Market Fair- Chichester, Nh 9/26

I am collecting some silkie hatching eggs. If anyone is interested, pm me. the roo is a splash silkie. the hens are black,splash, and grey.
I still have a few chicks. now I have to go over my flock and sell some that I wish I could keep. they will be some of the best I found at swaps this season.
Well, we will be bringing Black Frizzles, some white rocks pullets, some silver laced Cochin pullets, two blue andalusian pullets, (one blue, one splash) a few Ameracauna Pullets, a 4 week old blue cochin naked neck, with nice color and bow tie. and a couple young handsome Roos. A NH Red, and a Partridge Chantecleer Roo. Sweet boys, but we have too many. (dont we all!)

There may be a few other odds and ends, depending on who I can catch in the dark that morning!

See you then!
I am looking for 4 to 6 young layers. I bought a dozen straight run chicks this spring and managed to get 10 roosters! They have all found homes except for the one I want to keep and now I need to get some hens.

Anyone selling?
welcome to byc.
we will be bringing a few layers tomorrow.
I have a couple of 11 week old wyandotte mixes that are really nice. one is cream colord and the other is black with a purple metallic sheen. I would love to see them go together. they are very attached to each other. they stick together 24 hours a day. very nice black and white combo. I will also have a 1 year old light blue easter egger. very sweet disposition and a nice blue/green egg. pm me if you would like more info.
waiting, hoping someone will key in at the end of the swap and tell us how it went.

wondering where everyone has gone, is there anyone around anymore?

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