Marking Eggs


9 Years
Dec 18, 2010
I have a question---does anybody have any suggestions on how to mark eggs or whatever so that way you can tell which hen laid what eggs...short of separating all the hens?
I've heard of a few different ways, but none came from very reliable sources.
I plan on color-marking the eggs once they come I just don't know how to tell who laid what when I'm not around.
Sort them separately in the carton (this row is so and so's, this row is. . )

Write carefully on the egg with a marker, pencil, sharpie, etc. (We do it all the time when hatching and shipping eggs)
Thanks for the advice, guys.
I have not tried it, but some people I trust on this forum have said they put a drop of food coloring in the vent first thing in the morning. The moisture in the vent supposedly keeps the dye active. It will get flushed out during the day so you have to renew it each morning but supposedly you get faint color marks on the egg.

Some people suggest lipstick instead of food coloring, but I'm not going to try to explain that one to my wife.

Reading the other posts, maybe I misunderstood this question.
Lol. I might try the dye thing---thanks for enlightening me there. Lol.

I've heard of the lipstick mother would murder me.

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