How many chicks are you getting or hatching? Do you plan on having chicks often? I just use a huge rubbermaid tube.


no shortage on rubbermaid tubs here....just means I will have to keep them in the bathroom until old enough to be put outside in a coop....I "only" plan on getting 6 chicks for now....
Wow you're really close! Did you register your chickens? I'm out on Elk Neck in Red Point where it's very rural here. 90% of the year we have only 20% of our neighbors here. The other 10% of the year it's sporadic because people own mostly vacation cottages here. I didn't know if it was necessary to register our chickens.
Wow you're really close! Did you register your chickens? I'm out on Elk Neck in Red Point where it's very rural here. 90% of the year we have only 20% of our neighbors here. The other 10% of the year it's sporadic because people own mostly vacation cottages here. I didn't know if it was necessary to register our chickens.

I only have one chicken at the moment, and don't plan to add more than another two or three - you're not required to register until you have five or more. I have at least one friend who's kept 6-8 chickens and never bothered to register, since he only had them for personal use.
Hello from Calvert County, MD.I do not have chickens yet, but will remedy that very soon! Hi to all the other Southern Maryland peeps! Right now working on fixing up our old coop..or maybe building a new one. Too much to do here on our horse farm, and chickens are not hubby's priority. They have become my obsession! LAst year it was hermit crabs (which I still have/love)! This year Chickens! I think the most fun for me is learning about the different critters. I hope to get about 4-6 hens (originaly it was 2-4 maybe). Just for my own use and will prob give them to friends and family and my riding students of course. I think eventually I want a barred rock, an orphington, an austrolorp, a brown leghorn, and a couple easter eggers. I like the idea of different colored eggs and chickens. I have checked out just about anything I can find on different breeds and was looking for good egg layers with friendly temperments.
So SOMD peeps, where are the best places to shop for chicken supplies etc.? Have not been to tractor supply yet, been to a couple Southern States, and we have a little farm store about 5 min down the road that I have checked out. Anyone know anything about the chickens they sell at the charlotte hall farmersmarket? are they chicks, pullets, straight run, full grown? I always see them posted, but whenever we go there are usually no chickens there!
I shop around. I'm always on the hunt for supplies. Since I'm so close to Lancaster County, PA I love to haunt the feed stores and Amish farms that sell chicken supplies. I love Tractor Supply and can't seem to pass one by without stopping. Even if it's just to go in and play with the chicks and talk to other shoppers about chickens. It's fun to talk to the kids and teens (and unknowing adults) about raising chicks & chickens.

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