I am just afraid of what might happen to him if I put him on craig's list. You know people will tell you what you want to hear and I am afraid he will end up in a fighting ring or something. I thought by putting him on here I would at least get people who loved and appreciated him.

I think the "real" chicken people who respond to a craigslist ad are aware of this, and try to reassure by offering to have you visit their property. Another option you may want to try is Freecycle, which is a Yahoo group that is restricted to membership in the area in which you live. Either way, you could make it a condition that you visit the home to see where your roo would be going before you make the decision to rehome him. Good luck!
Phyrst- I saw that you commented on BHep's Serama Eggs For Sale. I was considering getting some but worried about the delicacy and USPS. The distance would have been about the same for you. Were the air cells intact, hatch rate etc? Any info appreciated.

Hi gardeningmama, I did buy eggs from BHep back in late spring. Price was good and Beth sent extras (maybe 6 eggs or so), She packs the best I've seen. Every egg was separately wrapped in bubble wrap and box was well padded. She shipped on a Wednesday and they arrived that Friday afternoon. (I can remember that because I had other shipments coordinated) To be honest, I didn't check the air cells before incubating. I candled somewhere between day 7 -10 and the eggs looked good, fertile I believe but not sure now. This was the first time I incubated eggs I bought - my results were not great. I ended up with 4 Serama that made it. I remember that 2 or 3 died the first day or so while still in the incubator. I don't know why. I don't blame Beth, there are too many factors with shipped eggs. It wasn't the best hatch rate for me. Somewhere on this site is some advice about Serama eggs. My memory is not so good any more but I think I read that Serama eggs need to be incubated a bit warmer than normal banty eggs. And there was something about a death gene. Sorry I can't be more specific. If you look around the site you can probably find more info. The Serama chicks I have are all real healthy now but rather flighty. All of them are mostly brown with one being black and red!! 3 of the 4 are female so that was good! The funniest thing is that the only Serama roo is rather aggressive - if he sees me, he runs across the yard to me and does a war-dance!! It makes me laugh because he is so little! I have a flock of 20 (4 different breeds) and yet he is the most daring. The rest of my group are BB d'anvers, Black-tailed White Japs and Silkies. I may re-home him since he is so bold. I kinda like his spunk as long as he doesn't get nasty. I handle him all the time but he prefers to just stay close and be left alone with the girls. Hope this helps some.
Phyrst: Thanks so much, the info was exactly what I needed. Funny enough I've had far worse results from shipped Large Fowl eggs (1 out of 16). And they say Serama eggs are delicate! I think I'm gonna go for it!!!
Phyrst: Thanks so much, the info was exactly what I needed. Funny enough I've had far worse results from shipped Large Fowl eggs (1 out of 16). And they say Serama eggs are delicate! I think I'm gonna go for it!!!
Hope you have good luck and a good hatch. Beth is so nice and she's good with communicating. If you can, drop me a line and let me know how things go. I think the Serama chicks I have are beautiful! All of them look completely different and unique!
Gardeningmama...... I see that you have lavender orpingtons. How is your lavender project coming along?
I have a trio of lavenders and 6 part english black orps. My lav roo is NOT doing his job. So far I've only had 2 fertile eggs hatch and they are black splits.
For some reason this thread does not show up in my current activity in my profile. When I post in the thread it should move to the top of the list, but it's not there at all. Any ideas why?
Gardeningmama...... I see that you have lavender orpingtons. How is your lavender project coming along?
I have a trio of lavenders and 6 part english black orps. My lav roo is NOT doing his job. So far I've only had 2 fertile eggs hatch and they are black splits.
LOL! I wouldn't call it a project , but I'm hoping to get there. I've spent the past 4 months getting them old enough to finally choose my keepers. I just now am figuring out pullet/roo. They are really difficult, I'm still not quite sure about two of them. Most chicks I can tell by about 2-3 weeks, go figure. So, I'm patiently waiting, and no, my boy's aren't even slightly interested in anything but food just yet.

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