Urgent request please. I have a New Hampshire Red who is 9 months old and she is now totally paralyzed in both legs. I suspect Mareks, although she has been vaccinated. I got her through Meyers and requested the vaccination. She wasn't eating a few days ago and I thought she would die pretty quickly. But after taking her in the house and giving her electrolytes and pureed chicken mash she is now eating and alert, but the paralysis remains and I have the feeling it is getting worse rather than better. I think the kindest thing to do would be to euthanize her as she can't be in the coop like this and I can't keep her in the house till she dies, which could be months. I work full time and can't give her the care she needs 24/7.

So the request is: which vet in/near Frederick could I go to to have this done. Are there any vets in Frederick who would see a chicken even? Your advice greatly appreciated.

Just because she had the vaccine does not mean she is safe from the disease. Seriously, I advise against getting the vaccine. I would much rather have a bird exhibit the symptoms of a disease then show no signs at all because of a vaccine. I'm sorry but I don't know of any vet that will euthanize a chicken. You can try calling the Frederick Animal Health Lab (301-600-1548). They will also do a autopsy for free to determine what is wrong was wrong with her.
Thanks. I will call them tomorrow.

I'm keeping a hawks eye on my other birds but I cannot see any signs of others getting sick. This particular chick was always different, would sit alone in a corner of the run for hours one day to the point that I would start worrying that something was wrong and then the next day she'd be running with everyone to get the treats as if nothing was wrong. She'd be fine for weeks and then suddenly she'd have a day that she was listless. I suspect now that she's had the beginnings of this since she was a little chick.
Thanks. I will call them tomorrow.

I'm keeping a hawks eye on my other birds but I cannot see any signs of others getting sick. This particular chick was always different, would sit alone in a corner of the run for hours one day to the point that I would start worrying that something was wrong and then the next day she'd be running with everyone to get the treats as if nothing was wrong. She'd be fine for weeks and then suddenly she'd have a day that she was listless. I suspect now that she's had the beginnings of this since she was a little chick.
Stress can cause the symptoms to manifest itself. I had a few develop symptoms after being shipped. I will never again have birds vaccinated for it.
Oh well- It was worth a try :)

If anyone else local wants them, I'm happy to give them a new home!

Also thanks for the NPIP info- I sent in registration with the state a year or two ago, but never heard anything back- Of course I only had six chicken then- HA!
I've tried to do it - contacted the only name I found, a Kim someone... and never heard back from her.

Seems like no one is available anymore.
It's Kim Arnold you want. They are there, just terribly understaffed. Craig Crotts is one of the testers. Keep calling Kim at 410-543-6610. I have Craig's contact info if you need it. :)
I'm a certified tester in Washington Co. I became a tester to help make my dream of super-swap come true. but, since then have been testing birds for shows, etc. I charge $4 a bird if you bring them to my farm and I charge a group rate + gas for NPIP quarterly tests.. depending on how many birds you have. My email is [email protected]

Call Kim and see if there's a tester closer to you. The tester will make all the NPIP arrangements. Good luck, Erin
I'm a certified tester in Washington Co. I became a tester to help make my dream of super-swap come true. but, since then have been testing birds for shows, etc. I charge $4 a bird if you bring them to my farm and I charge a group rate + gas for NPIP quarterly tests.. depending on how many birds you have. My email is [email protected]

Call Kim and see if there's a tester closer to you. The tester will make all the NPIP arrangements. Good luck, Erin
Anyone in the Mount Airy area, I can give you the name and # of my tester.
Thanks for giving me the heads up for the Frederick Animal Health Lab. I called them and they do euthanize chickens and then test them. I will drop my little hen off tomorrow morning.

I'm sure I am making the right decision, and I am glad I can now take care of it asap.

Thanks also on the NPIP information. Does it make sense to do this if you just have a backyard flock and you are not engaged in selling animals?
Thanks for giving me the heads up for the Frederick Animal Health Lab. I called them and they do euthanize chickens and then test them. I will drop my little hen off tomorrow morning.

I'm sure I am making the right decision, and I am glad I can now take care of it asap.

Thanks also on the NPIP information. Does it make sense to do this if you just have a backyard flock and you are not engaged in selling animals?
The only reason I got NPIP certified was because I do sell eggs and animals. Otherwise I wouldn't go through the expense for it.
I do sell eggs, although not in Maryland. I think I may consider this anyway, if only for my own sake to know that I have no other diseases except Marek's going around. I don't mind the expense for the peace of mind it may give me. i have ony 16 birds left out of 18: one rooster got harvested, now this hen culled. So it wouldn't be a major expense if it is $4 a bird.

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