My wife and I are just getting started with chickens, but still need to actually get the chickens :) Does any one know where we could get 2-3 young laying hens in Montgomery County?

My wife and I are just getting started with chickens, but still need to actually get the chickens :) Does any one know where we could get 2-3 young laying hens in Montgomery County?

If you're just looking for 2 or 3 and aren't picky about the breed I can give you some- I'm in Clarksburg ( near Damascus). PM me and I'll help you out. -

( Disclaimer- I am crazy busy with a huge project for my kids school that will wrap up 4/20, so I can't really get them to you until after then)

If you want to start with chicks- which honestly is really fun- there are chicks available at Southern States stores and Tractor Supply Stores right now ( although call ahead sometimes they sell out) I know the big Southern States in Frederick has lots of variety of chicks all spring long.

There is also a company I've seen on Craiglists, out of Potomac that actually rents chickens & a tractor for them,if you wan to test run having chickens first. I don't know anything about them other than what I've sen on craigslist, so I can't actually recommend them, but I think they've got an interesting concept for a small business

Hello Marylanders!

I and still a chicken newbie. I got 3 silkie chicks and one Buff Orpington Chick. I hatched the silkies myself :) they are so cute!!! Bought the Buff (Henny Penny) and an Australorp (Pepper) from a local guy. I found pepper dead in the brooder today and was incredibly heartbroken. I am note quite sure what happened.
She had been having a bit of blood in her stool but i was told that this is normal? I feed everyone medicated starter and water with electrolytes. She really didn't seem like she was growing like the rest of everyone but she was also the youngest of the bunch.

I am seeing solace here reading about chickens. I never knew i would get so attached to these birds. they are precious.

It's possible that she had cocci, despite the medicated feed (because of the blood in the droppings). But it is also entirely possible that it is just "failure to thrive". It happens with young chicks and there is nothing you can do about it.

I'm sorry you had to go through this. It is always hard when a chick, or chicken dies despite your best efforts.
So excited! I'm getting my chickens in the mail within the next two days, maybe tomorrow! I've had everything ready for them for a month now and my da is going to help me with the coop. I have it all figured put, drafted out, and the materials list prepared. Yeah! Half the flock is going to my brother's house in two weeks, maybe a month so he's coming down today to help out.
So excited! I'm getting my chickens in the mail within the next two days, maybe tomorrow! I've had everything ready for them for a month now and my da is going to help me with the coop. I have it all figured put, drafted out, and the materials list prepared. Yeah! Half the flock is going to my brother's house in two weeks, maybe a month so he's coming down today to help out.
Chicks!!!!!! SO EXCITING! Nothing is better than little peeps:) Welcome to the wonderful adventure of chickens.

It's possible that she had cocci, despite the medicated feed (because of the blood in the droppings). But it is also entirely possible that it is just "failure to thrive". It happens with young chicks and there is nothing you can do about it.

I'm sorry you had to go through this. It is always hard when a chick, or chicken dies despite your best efforts.

Thank you. We miss her. I think it was cocci. Now I am worried about the other chicks? should i medicate them all? with what? One of the silkies has a little bit warery poop. I read that i could mix powdered milk with their feed. i am sure that wouldn't hurt? I don't want to loose anymore. Also I was considering going back to the farmer where i got her and getting another is this a bad idea?
You could try adding apple cider vinegar to their water. I would not feed them powered milk, as chickens are allergic to milk. Yogurt is fine though because it is fermented and most of the lactose is gone. I would also feed them yogurt.

The amprolium in the medicated feed should be enough. Perhaps this one chick was a bit more susceptible to it. Watery poop is not uncommon, just check that she also drops regular solid ones beside the watery stuff. Just monitor them, I'm wondering if the affected chick wasn't eating all that much to begin with as a result of which she never got much of the medication.

IMHO you can absolutely get another one. Ask the farmer if he has any ideas why she died, if he is experienced he may be able to offer more explanations. Do it sooner rather than later so that there aren't yet much integration issues.

Good luck!
If you suspect cocci, I would treat them all. You can p/u some liquid Corid 9.6% solution (can be found in the cattle section @ Southern States, Farmer's Co-op or Tractor Supply). Dosage is 9.5ml in a gallon of water for 5-7 days. Make a fresh batch daily and use as their only water source. Best of luck!
The chickens have arrived. Since they had a hard trip I've put them in my office in the rabbit hutch where they'll stay for the next few days before I move them to the other makeshift brooder: a dog kennel, big. It is in the workshop so I'm concerned about them staying warm but I've put a little recording thermostat so I'll know the next couple of days if it gets to cold in there.

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