Looking forward to meeting some Maryland folks tomorrow in Sharpsburg! Looks like we may get lucky after all with the storm passing so quickly to the northeast.
Looks like tomorrow will be a lovely day! Have lots of fun and think of me slaving away at the animal hospital, lol.

If anyone buys anything, as a former USDA veterinarian and a currently practicing veterinarian, I strongly recommend quarantine for all birds you buy AND anything you take there and don't sell. NPIP testing doesn't include MG and IC.

Also, don't wear shoes and clothing there that you wear on your farm. We used to spray our shoes, our car tires and all equipment as we left a farm to prevent carrying germs that way.
Had a great time at the Poultry Swap and Farmer's Market yesterday. Brought home 6 chicks and all have settled in nicely. 2 Wheaten Ameraucanas, 2 Black Marans, 2 Birchen Marans. They were all straight run. Now we are taking odds on the pullet to cockerel ratio. My husband, ever the optimist, is thinking 1 to 5! Time will tell.
Looking forward to meeting some Maryland folks tomorrow in Sharpsburg!  Looks like we may get lucky after all with the storm passing so quickly to the northeast.

Only got drizzled on a bit ^^ my blacksmith wasn't a bit happy bout though lol

Looks like tomorrow will be a lovely day! Have lots of fun and think of me slaving away at the animal hospital, lol.

If anyone buys anything, as a former USDA veterinarian and a currently practicing veterinarian, I strongly recommend quarantine for all birds you buy AND anything you take there and don't sell. NPIP testing doesn't include MG and IC.

Also, don't wear shoes and clothing there that you wear on your farm. We used to spray our shoes, our car tires and all equipment as we left a farm to prevent carrying germs that way.

Perfect advice!

Had a great time at the Poultry Swap and Farmer's Market yesterday.  Brought home 6 chicks and all have settled in nicely.  2 Wheaten Ameraucanas, 2 Black Marans, 2 Birchen Marans. They were all straight run.  Now we are taking odds on the pullet to cockerel ratio.  My husband, ever the optimist, is thinking 1 to 5!  Time will tell.

Good luck!

Wonderful time in Sharpsburg yesterday. Got two RIR/Wyndotte hens. Both have fallen asleep in my 7 yr olds lap. We call him the "Chicken Whisperer".

Too cute!

I had a blast at Sharpsburg! Sold all my upcycled feed bag totes in an hour or so! Guess I gotta make more lol except it takes me foreeeever to get through a 50# bag with only a doz. chickens lol

Anyone wanna send me their empty polywoven feed bags?
For every 5 ya send me I'll send ya back a completed tote! :D
Only got drizzled on a bit ^^ my blacksmith wasn't a bit happy bout though lol
Perfect advice!
Good luck!
Too cute!

I had a blast at Sharpsburg! Sold all my upcycled feed bag totes in an hour or so! Guess I gotta make more lol except it takes me foreeeever to get through a 50# bag with only a doz. chickens lol

Anyone wanna send me their empty polywoven feed bags?
For every 5 ya send me I'll send ya back a completed tote! :D
Where are you? I have a lot cluttering up my place. Shipping might be cost prohibitive. I was going to make aprons out of them, but I haven't had time (and we go through 4-6 bags a month anyway).
Where are you? I have a lot cluttering up my place. Shipping might be cost prohibitive. I was going to make aprons out of them, but I haven't had time (and we go through 4-6 bags a month anyway).

I'm right on the pa/Md line, york county, pa/harford county, Md.
^^ I don't know how much shipping would be, figured if they were pretty light it wouldn't be so much :confused: I understand if it's too much/far ^_^ just thought I'd toss the idea to y'all :)
I might come up there sometime to buy some feed I see every so often on CL. I don't care for what I'm feeding now. Or I'll see how much it might cost to mail these bags.

Good idea though ;)
Had a great time in Sharpsburg on Saturday. It was quite an experience for my wife who had never been to a chicken swap before!

I got 1 of two items on my shopping list. I met Kat LaDue with Signature Feathers and acquired 5 of her blue wheaten/wheaten ameraucana chicks. I enjoyed chatting with Kat and the chicks look great. I am hoping for some pullets for my juvenile blue wheaten roo.

The other item on my list was blue and splash ameraucana pullets. Unfortunately, I did not find any for sale. Even Whitmore Farms did not bring any of these. :( Whitemore Farms had some beautiful chicks otherwise but they were not what I was looking for.

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