I went to work today at Homestead... back for spring... they have chicks at the Severna Park store and we have 2 polish... I swear, if there is a God, let me NOT bring those sweeties home... this is the second time I went in the store and saw them. I would love to have them, but have promised myself no new chicks for 2 more years. We also have Rhode Island Reds and Cochin with those cute feathery legs. One of the RIR's fell asleep in my hands and my boss came by and said, "What are you doing?" I told her I couldn't wake her to put her down, she was asleep and being a chick is hard work... She was sweet and cut me some slack so I held her until a customer needed me... I love my part time job. This is our first year with the chicks and this is our second batch. They are a week old today. People in my area think they are display chicks and we send them back to the farm after Easter. We are so, not in the country...
Want to add 2 - 4 layers to my flock.

Looking for some Easter Eggers (Americaunas) and Silkie Pullets on the Eastern Shore. Any leads?

Does anyone sex Silkies or is that a thing? If so, why? Just curious.
Want to add 2 - 4 layers to my flock.

Looking for some Easter Eggers (Americaunas) and Silkie Pullets on the Eastern Shore. Any leads?

Does anyone sex Silkies or is that a thing? If so, why? Just curious.
How close are you to Salisbury? Farmers and Planters on Mill St will be having Silkie pullets. I believe that it is next month. Most of their chicks are $4.00. The tractor supply in Berlin had Ameraucanas arrive on Friday. Check The Guide or Craigslist for birds too. There are some people that had to purchase 6-25 chicks when they wanted lesser amounts.
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Bryan and Brittingham in Delmar gets a shipment of usually three varieties of chicks once a week. Last week they had Silkies, and I think they've got Ameraucaunas and Silver Wyandottes coming the week after next. Check their website for a complete list of breeds and dates.
Bryan and Brittingham in Delmar gets a shipment of usually three varieties of chicks once a week. Last week they had Silkies, and I think they've got Ameraucaunas and Silver Wyandottes coming the week after next. Check their website for a complete list of breeds and dates.
Cool. I did not know that they had a website. They do get their chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery . I have been told to stay away from that hatchery's birds. Tractor Supply Company stores are not to order from them anymore because of the facilities testing for certain bacterias for three years. Some of the workers do miss this particular hatchery's birds. I have knownothers that have purchased birds directly from Mt. Healthy without issues.

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