I'm new to everything, haha. Only moved to Maryland in Oct. 2016 (from the Delco PA region originally). We just moved to Mt. Airy the beginning of this year - we were living in my crappy apartment in Columbia before. And new to chickens. hoping to learn so much more!
Yup, I'm from Pittsburgh. Just North in Butler county. Mt Airy is very similar. Columbia isn't too bad. But I'm sure your glad to be out of an apartment. How do you like the chickens so far?
Yup, I'm from Pittsburgh. Just North in Butler county. Mt Airy is very similar. Columbia isn't too bad. But I'm sure your glad to be out of an apartment. How do you like the chickens so far?
I used to be absolutely terrified of chickens after one attacked me as a kid. Husband got me on board with getting chickens, and we started with 3 black australorp and 3 RIRs. Our friend has 3 RIRs and recommended we get them - we were going to get buff orpingtons. Possibly still will. When he was researching, he was looking for cold hardy, good layers, and kid friendly - as he figured he would basically count me as a kid who has to handle them. Raising them from chicks has made me pretty comfortable. So I started researching chicken breeds I wanted, for me. Husband approved me having my own flock. Today I got my first pair of seramas and I am head over heels in love with them.
I used to be absolutely terrified of chickens after one attacked me as a kid. Husband got me on board with getting chickens, and we started with 3 black australorp and 3 RIRs. Our friend has 3 RIRs and recommended we get them - we were going to get buff orpingtons. Possibly still will. When he was researching, he was looking for cold hardy, good layers, and kid friendly - as he figured he would basically count me as a kid who has to handle them. Raising them from chicks has made me pretty comfortable. So I started researching chicken breeds I wanted, for me. Husband approved me having my own flock. Today I got my first pair of seramas and I am head over heels in love with them.
It's great you got over you fear. That's not always an easy thing. But baby chicks?? Yea, it's hard not to fall in love. That's what happened to my husband and daughter. They thought I was nuts when I got my first flock in PA. But as we went thorough the process. they were hooked. Since we moved here a year and a half ago, my husband has been bugging me for a new flock. So we got 6 Americauna's 3 Welsummer's and 3 Silver laced Wyandotte's. All under 4 weeks. I wasn't familiar with the Serama's so I had to look them up. Wow! Great choice! What beautiful birds! So regal and sweet looking. How old are they?
Hello, am new to backyard chickens. Am trying to hatch 7 eggs as an educational project. If any of them hatch, I want to have good homes lined up for them. My preference would be that they be kept as pets. The person who expressed interest in taking them has been incommunicado.
If anyone is interested, please let me know.
My hens hatched a solo chick and then rejected it. It's pathetic. I was wondering if anyone in the Baltimore area has a chick they'd like to donate for a sibling/incubator mate (I can pay for it). Thanks!
Hello, am new to backyard chickens. Am trying to hatch 7 eggs as an educational project. If any of them hatch, I want to have good homes lined up for them. My preference would be that they be kept as pets. The person who expressed interest in taking them has been incommunicado.
If anyone is interested, please let me know.

What breed of chicken are they? And where are you in MD?
I used to be absolutely terrified of chickens after one attacked me as a kid. Husband got me on board with getting chickens, and we started with 3 black australorp and 3 RIRs. Our friend has 3 RIRs and recommended we get them - we were going to get buff orpingtons. Possibly still will. When he was researching, he was looking for cold hardy, good layers, and kid friendly - as he figured he would basically count me as a kid who has to handle them. Raising them from chicks has made me pretty comfortable. So I started researching chicken breeds I wanted, for me. Husband approved me having my own flock. Today I got my first pair of seramas and I am head over heels in love with them.

How old are your Serama pair? I want to get some fertile eggs one day as my daughter gave me a incubator for Mothers Day and I would love to start a small flock of them. I cant wait to see how they are doing for you.
I just wanted to say hello to everyone here in Maryland I am in Baltimore County. My son has his own flock of chickens but no Serama's. I would love to incubate a few Serama eggs to start my own flock. So if you have any Fertile Serama eggs you would like to donate please pm me.

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