I just set my first of many for the year. I wasnt well last year and I downsized quite a bit, but I'm feeling better for now and I'll be setting as much as I can! I only raise a few breeds and they're just starting to pick up laying. I set 36 eggs, Silver & blue Phoenix, Orloff, Bresse, Svarts and a few Polish silkie mix. My last hatch was very male heavy so I really need pullets! Fingers crossed!
I just set my first of many for the year. I wasnt well last year and I downsized quite a bit, but I'm feeling better for now and I'll be setting as much as I can! I only raise a few breeds and they're just starting to pick up laying. I set 36 eggs, Silver & blue Phoenix, Orloff, Bresse, Svarts and a few Polish silkie mix. My last hatch was very male heavy so I really need pullets! Fingers crossed!
I SO understand the male heavy comment! Our first batch of 10 straight run Nankin Bantams was lopsided, too. The boys won, 6-4 ... and a hawk got one of the pullets at about three months. We now have 16 chickens - all bantams - and nine of the little buggers are boys! Luckily, all of the extras get along, so we have a bachelor pad & run. It sure is noisy here when the morning chorus starts. I'm very, VERY lucky to have tolerant neighbors!
I'm glad you're feeling better, this year. That's a great way to start out a new one ... healthier! Good luck with your hatch ... and keep us posted, please!
I just set my first of many for the year. I wasnt well last year and I downsized quite a bit, but I'm feeling better for now and I'll be setting as much as I can! I only raise a few breeds and they're just starting to pick up laying. I set 36 eggs, Silver & blue Phoenix, Orloff, Bresse, Svarts and a few Polish silkie mix. My last hatch was very male heavy so I really need pullets! Fingers crossed!
Good luck in your hatch for all pullets. Cant wait to see how you do. When is hatch day?
Hello Salisbury!!! I am also on the eastern shore in Salisbury MD. We have 3 chickens and 5 ducks. We had 6 chickens but we keep loosing hens to the local Fox Population. Need to rebuild the run to prevent predators. We have one broody hen that wont leave the nest but no rooster here so we had to play a trick and put one of the duck eggs under the hen. She is in for quite a surprise when that chick hatches :)
Howzabout an update, pretty please? Did you end with a surprised mama? When I was a teenager, we had a banty hatch out eight mallard ducklings. It was hysterical to watch Henny Penny teach them to scratch in the dirt ... and the poor thing went absolutely apoplectic when they discovered water!
girls have been busy 3 weeks in after 1st egg we are up to 5 dozen


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Cumberland MD here. No one near me, I feel so alone. lol
Since December I have (had) hatched (by my wonderful daughter) 5 button (sexes ?) & 7 Coturnix quail (1-2 roos), 5 Bielefelders (3 roos), 1 Light Sussex & 1 Bantam Cochin (both roos). I can't keep the roosters. Sigh.
I am getting assorted color adult Muscovies back from my daughter & production whites from Moose Manor.
I am looking for a decent Svart Hona cock for a good price. Black Bart is shooting blanks. lol
After all the extra roos are gone, I am planning on getting Silkie eggs (love those little puffballs).

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