Maryville TN


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 2, 2008
Maryville, TN
I am looking for other people that live in close to Knoxville/Maryville that wants to get together and put an order in... I want about 10 buff orphingtons and cant find what I am looking for at tsc or co-op. They only got in assortments and very few orphingtons... If anyone is interested or just wants a few please let me know I would like to ship them with 25 for saftey as MOST of the hatcheries prefer it that way.

Feel free to email or send me a message here...

I'm in Blountville next to Bristol so not really close enough but thought I would suggest this...

Do you have a Southern States close by? They are accepting chick orders until the 18th of April and you can order custom what you want for a very reasonable price. I would bet if you have a local SS they would do the same.
Hey, if they'd let you put some Ameracaunas in the shipment I'd go for some. Maybe they'd let you do a shipment of 1/2 Orpingtons, 1/2 Ameracaunas? I'm near Friendsville, not far from you.


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