masculine hen or feminine rooster??


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
Central British Columbia
I posted this bird before, I was a month off on the age, it's 5 months old not 6.
Now this must be a roo, but it doesn't crow, mount any one or fight with the dominate rooster. But now it's growing in nice green tail feathers and what look like the beginning of spurs

You can shot of see the " spur " in the above pic


And this was the same bird a few weeks ago ( below )

Is this a masculine hen? Or a feminine rooster
Definitely a boy. Like the other poster said, he's probably not acting the part because of the other rooster. It's not necessarily that he's being bullied, but just that he's younger and less experienced and not brave enough to try taking on the big guy.
Feminine roo but he is still young you could put it in confinement for a day or to and see if you find an egg also change in enviorment can make roos stop crowing (new feed flock members or weather changes) a roo I had didn't crow for a full week until he found his place in pecking order.
Definitely a boy. Like the other poster said, he's probably not acting the part because of the other rooster. It's not necessarily that he's being bullied, but just that he's younger and less experienced and not brave enough to try taking on the big guy.

Yeah bully wasn't the right word but I couldn't think of it..

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