Mass hysteria!

Mine have been laying about a month now. They still sing, but it seems to have gotten a lot shorter in duration. Perhaps there's a lot less "practicing" going on, and it only happens when there's an actual egg.

Might work the same for you as yours get older.. Or not.. Who knows :)
I've got six hens and the three white chickens that lay brown eggs have been going for about a month, but I don't seem to be getting anything from the other three black sex links that I got all at the same time from TSC. I have recently gotten a few eggs that seemed to be a slightly different shade and smaller, but still only seem to be getting 3 a day as best I can tell. It has gotten a little cooler here, so that might have gotten one of the white girls to not lay that day right??
My pullets hatched May 15th but I haven't gotten any eggs from them yet. I have heard one of my roosters making the egg song when no hen is near. Why did he do that?
For the same reason. I've had roosters do it when they're separated from the flock. They're saying where are you?
Your pullets probably have another month or so before laying. Those reaching POL this time of year sometimes take a long time to start. Just make sure you don't start giving layer feed until they start since you don't know when that will be. The rooster doesn't need it anyway.

... It has gotten a little cooler here, so that might have gotten one of the white girls to not lay that day right??
Unless it's well below zero, it isn't the cold. Day length is the biggest factor in egg laying. As days shorten, they're less stimulated to lay. As days lengthen, they gear up.
when mine started laying they didnt make any noise for quit a they do ..kinda weird....and when theres a hen in the box that another wants to be in it gets really loud...till she moves and it seems they act like hey i am gonna sit here till you be quite...then theres one hen that just gets in on top of the other one and lays....i have 14 hens and 4 boxes and one box gets 5 eggs a day and 1 gets 3 and the others one or two...
We put in four nest boxes... because that's how many drawers we had... plus we have a big wicker basket in there that I thought looked like a good nest.

The hens are using all of them, and for the hens I've seen laying so far... they don't seem to choose the same box each time. They move around.

We had egg-shaped rocks we set in the nests at first... we'd seen it suggested to put something in there to show them where to lay... we've removed those now. I think they've got it!

For the same reason. I've had roosters do it when they're separated from the flock. They're saying where are you?
Your pullets probably have another month or so before laying. Those reaching POL this time of year sometimes take a long time to start. Just make sure you don't start giving layer feed until they start since you don't know when that will be. The rooster doesn't need it anyway.
But he was standing on the wheelbarrow about 30 feet from the run and could see them. Several of them in fact. There was even a hen in the coop and a cockerel off to his right that answered him.

Maybe chickens are just weird.
But he was standing on the wheelbarrow about 30 feet from the run and could see them. Several of them in fact. There was even a hen in the coop and a cockerel off to his right that answered him.

Maybe chickens are just weird.
That's the understatement of the year.
But he was standing on the wheelbarrow about 30 feet from the run and could see them. Several of them in fact. There was even a hen in the coop and a cockerel off to his right that answered him.

Maybe chickens are just weird.

Right, they're individuals.
Why do some people like Country Western and some like Reggae music?

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