Massive Egg Why? + Guess how many yolks! (PICS)

Whoa, it looks such a nice even shape I'm gonna guess one ginormous yolk. I've only ever had a couple of double yolkers but you could tell by the shape of the egg there was more than one yolk.
I had one that big also. I thought it was going to be a triple yolker, but alas, it was a double!



You should make that your avatar!!

That picture makes me laugh till I cry!

Definately a Sitz bath for her!!

We guess 4 yolks.

Can't wait to see the pictures
I wonder if you could try candling it to see if you can tell how many yolks are in there if you don't want to crack it yet...the hoards are getting restless, they want to know now.


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