mating my hens?

Kacey's Krazee's

Aug 8, 2009
Normangee, Texas
I know this is going to sound bad before I even put it out here, but I will do my best not to be bad!

I have 23 girls, that are just starting to lay, 2 of them actually started this week. I had a 'roo with them, that came by accident from the hatchery. They were all raised together, and he started pestering the hens pretty bad, and I rehomed him on Sunday. Sunday I also recieved my first egg!! But I digress.

My hens are now all squatting down, stamping their feet, spreading their wings now for me. Will it affect the egg production, or cause flock disruption if I "mate" the hens while I am petting them? By this I mean, grab their tail and give them a couple of shakes. They shake and go about their biz afterwards. I also have two RIR that have become "peckers" until I give them the same attention. Is this normal? Or should I stop "mating " them while giving them affection? I really don't THINK I am causing them problems, but since I have so many folks here with experience, I thought I would ask, rather than just assume there isn't an issue.

Thanks for letting me ask a silly, beginner question!

It's not going to hurt a thing. You're basically letting them know that you're the rooster--or the alpha if you will.

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