Mating Question


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Erda, UT
Will a roo attempt to breed a pullet if she is not close to laying eggs? I have Ameraucana's that are 24 weeks old and the last few days the roo's have been doing the dance for the girls and have tried a couple of times to attempt to mate them. I do have other hen's that are laying and they do mate them, so they know how to do it, but I was suprised when I saw them dancing for my ameraucana girls. Does that mean that they are getting close to laying??
depends on the roo. I have one that will grab anything with feathers and put a WWF move on it and knock it to the ground and make his move, including immature cockerels. He is currently in solitary confinement with conjugal visits with one hen, once a day..
if they are 24 weeks old then they are deffinetly close to laying, and yes a roo will attempt to mate a pullet that has not shown signs of laying yet,

I once had a full grown roo, try to mate a 2-3 month old pullet...if he THINKS she is big enough then that roo will try anything
Well, I've seen an 8 week old Ameraucana do a great mating imitation. He was in love with my Speckled Sussex, Nelda, who was his same age. So, yes, mating play can start way before eggs are due to arrive.

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