Mating with my chickens.

"squatting" in front of us?

Since I don't think I've seen this behavior yet (that I know of) does this look like the squat they do when they poo? (don't laugh at the newbie question!)

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No, when they poo it's more of a "butt down" maneuver. When they crouch for mating it's more of a downward hunch with a flat back, getting ready for a roo to hop on. My hens are much happier since there aren't any roos. They prefer a rubby dub on their backs more than the claws of a big roo.
My duck used to do this. Mainly did it when I removed the newspaper and put in fresh newspaper.
When any of my pullets or hens squat for me, I give 'em a skritch at the base of the neck between the shoulder-blades, another skritch at the base of the tail-feathers, then a pat on the middle back, at which time I say, "Good girl!"

They always give a little shake when they stand up. Although I know the biological reason they're doing that feather shake, I prefer to believe they are just rearranging their 'do, to get rid of "bed feathers."
This is SOOOOOO FUNNY! When my silkie hens do this I pick them up and scratch them under the neck and wings. It is partly a foreplay behavior but also a recognition of my dominance. They see me as head of the flock and I see it as a bow and curtsy to the Queen. Whatever they are thinking, I find it charming and sweet, deserving of a little attention, snuggle and a treat.
all of my hens do that ,when they first start squatting I make a noise like Boop,boop, boop everytime. So as they are older and I want to grab one to put it up or check it for anything I just make that noise and wham,,straight down. Easy to catch with the old Boop,boop boop maneuver.

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You know, I never thought of it as that way, when they squat. We just thought they squatted so we could pick them up, instead of running away from us.


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I have one RIR who is very confused. She will squat if I open the door unexpectedly and she's 20 feet away :eek: She also is very submissive to me but if my back is turned she tries to mate the lowest of the pecking order.

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Well, thank you all! Good to know I'm not the only one mating with my chickens

Neat trick!
I'm gonna try the boop boop boop method!

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