Maturing Rouens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
I have 6 Rouen ducks. I have some questions about them as they become mature adults.

Information that you will find helpful is that they're around 14 weeks old. I have 3 drakes and 3 ducks.

Do I need to worry about my drakes "over using" my ducks?
When should I introduce oyster shells for the females?
Is there a certain type of day they are more likely to lay their eggs?

And for your enjoyment. Here is a picture of my ducks that I took last week. :) Feel free to leave pictures along with advice.

My poor, confused Trouble thinks she's a drake with the white ring. :) I thought for sure she was a guy when she was little.
Wouldn't getting more ducklings run the risk of me getting more drakes?

Is it possible for me to separate them into 2 different pens at night and have them together during the day?

I haven't noticed an aggressive behavior yet, but I do want to do what is best for them. If I separate them will it stress them out since they've been together since hatching?
I don't think you would be able to keep them together at night. If you separate them, you would need to keep two drakes separate from all the rest of the Ducks. You can order sexed ducklings from Metzers, or look for older ducks that are at the age they are sexable and get girls that way. Welsh harlequins are sex linked at hatch, so if you could find some of those newly hatched, you could get girls that way.
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Awesome. Thank you. I'll see about getting some more females. I know my dad plans of using the males for meat, but its hard to tell if he'll actually do it.

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