MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Boo! Can't upload pictures on my phone
. Long day sanding floors and going to my previous year's students graduation. Got a good gift: two pips! Dumb phone won't let me upload the picture

Congrats on the pips
I *think* I am up to 9 hatched now as of when I got up this morning.. today is official hatch due date. I hope I can get something done today instead of staring at the incubator
Same here :pop :caf hey they need to invent an emoji smiley of the smiley staring at the incubator(or broody hen) instead of the computer :lau
Totally- along with one that is a banner saying "SET ALL THE EGGS!"
[COLOR=4B0082]First udpate, I'm totally excited to have budgies again!!!! :celebrate [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]It's been a l-o-n-g time. I haven't seen a white one in years![/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]The classifieds are evil.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]They are two young females.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Maybe...just maybe a suitable male suitor may require a new residence.[/COLOR] :fl :gig [COLOR=4B0082]My hatch is one egg short of being done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]May 12 - chick internally pipped, was out waiting for me the next morning. (white chick)[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]May 16 - 3 chicks hatched[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]May 17 - Had one chick zipped and hatching. Unfortunately his intestines had herniated out of the umbilical opening.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I made the decision to cull the chick. I know who the mother is and she's flagged until further notice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Of course the majority of the chicks hatched while I was away yesterday. :rolleyes: [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Got home last night, later than planned and of course the humidity had dropped in the bator.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]There were a couple slightly stuck chicks and a couple who hatched ahead of their date and they were under the top tray needing to be taken out. :barnie [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]May 18th - Two chicks hatched this morning[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Total: 16 chicks hatched chicks[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] 1 chick still to hatch[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] 20 eggs that made it to lockdown but DIS[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] - 2 double yolker eggs (I keep[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] - a number of eggs that were ready to hatch had pipped but didn't make it further[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] - a few eggs that externally pipped on the underside of the egg and either had liquid come out of the egg, and/or the egg got stuck to the paper towel in the bottom tray.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] - some died before absorbing everything and they had liquid in the shell[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]EE x EE (I'm still surprised by the colors, especially the darker solids. Was expecting chipmunks)[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]OEGB x OEGB[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]OEGB x Silkie X (my good one)[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082] [/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]Above is how I set up the last egg to hatch. I have a dampened paper towel in the container with the egg and I covered it with a sandwich baggy.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]The chick moved inside but it doesn't look good to me. It's due today. We'll see if hatches. I'll post the results.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I also had an earler egg that had zipped but hadn't finished and it looked like it would get stuck.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]The baggy covered container with humidity worked beautifully and it hatched with no issues.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]In the 'bator are guinea eggs and eggs collected from Spike, my bluest laying EE.[/COLOR] [COLOR=4B0082]I guess that's about it. :idunno [/COLOR] :gig
Nice!! I had budgies a bit ago, but sold my last pair as they were mentally touched, I think. The male chased his friend away from his toys, and then fed the toys. They were SO hard to clean! :barnie He also bit hard enough to draw blood, despite being handled carefully and gently from day 1... :confused: The female just didn't want to be touched, as I got her as an adult from a place that rarely spent time with her. Oh well, they are in a good home now.....
She looks just like Sally!
Agreed! -Banti
Today is day 20 and I've been struggling with the temperature since yesterday. Early day 19 the temperature was at 97 so I increased it and when I came back it was at 101.8! And now this morning day 20 I found it at 98.8! I how to chicks are OK. This is the first time I've had temperature problems like this.
About an hour and a half.

I have soooo many ducklings. Ten out, two more working on it. I've got eight of them in my lap right now
I want ducklings lol
i love the way my phone auto corrected Quechee lol, i used to go to gmha all the time, not too far at all

Boo! Can't upload pictures on my phone
. Long day sanding floors and going to my previous year's students graduation. Got a good gift: two pips! Dumb phone won't let me upload the picture

I *think* I am up to 9 hatched now as of when I got up this morning.. today is official hatch due date. I hope I can get something done today instead of staring at the incubator
goo luck!!

Today is day 20 and I've been struggling with the temperature since yesterday. Early day 19 the temperature was at 97 so I increased it and when I came back it was at 101.8! And now this morning day 20 I found it at 98.8! I how to chicks are OK. This is the first time I've had temperature problems like this.
oh no!! Good luck!
Today is day 20 and I've been struggling with the temperature since yesterday. Early day 19 the temperature was at 97 so I increased it and when I came back it was at 101.8! And now this morning day 20 I found it at 98.8! I how to chicks are OK. This is the first time I've had temperature problems like this.
I dunno about the 101.8 thing, or how long it was up that high. But I just read an article on BYC about having your lockdown temps lower - in the 98 degree range - and it's supposed to be better for the hatch. I hope someone can find the link - I had it but I lost it somehow. I am thinking it was a link on the "Incubating with Friends" thread...I remember reading it a couple of times. Anyway so that 98 might not be as bad an issue as you might think. (Doggone it, now I have to go look for that link because I don't want to give anyone bad advice - especially with my poor track record!) If someone out there is faster finding that article could you help me out here a little? Thanks!
I dunno about the 101.8 thing, or how long it was up that high.  But I just read an article on BYC about having your lockdown temps lower - in the 98 degree range - and it's supposed to be better for the hatch.  I hope someone can find the link - I had it but I lost it somehow.  I am thinking it was a link on the "Incubating with Friends" thread...I remember reading it a couple of times.  Anyway so that 98 might not be as bad an issue as you might think.  (Doggone it, now I have to go look for that link because I don't want to give anyone bad advice - especially with my poor track record!) If someone out there is faster finding that article could you help me out here a little?  Thanks!

Yep, you are right! I'll go find it. :thumbsup
I dunno about the 101.8 thing, or how long it was up that high. But I just read an article on BYC about having your lockdown temps lower - in the 98 degree range - and it's supposed to be better for the hatch. I hope someone can find the link - I had it but I lost it somehow. I am thinking it was a link on the "Incubating with Friends" thread...I remember reading it a couple of times. Anyway so that 98 might not be as bad an issue as you might think. (Doggone it, now I have to go look for that link because I don't want to give anyone bad advice - especially with my poor track record!) If someone out there is faster finding that article could you help me out here a little? Thanks!

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