MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Our May hatch went off smoothly
27/30 but lost the Last two later babies.
Started on day 19 all the colored eggs hatched first
lots of blue.
All lavender orps in hatched out fine.
Sold entire hatch except 1 blue, 1 blonde, & 1 black EE.

Good hatch rate tho.
Have to check onto a June hatch we're ready again.
Our May hatch went off smoothly
27/30 but lost the Last two later babies.
Started on day 19 all the colored eggs hatched first
lots of blue.
All lavender orps in hatched out fine.
Sold entire hatch except 1 blue, 1 blonde, & 1 black EE.

Good hatch rate tho.
Have to check onto a June hatch we're ready again.
Thats great!! Congratulations!!
Ok, here is an update on my hatch. The chick that hatched from the rejected egg is doing great! She is with the hen now, and the hen also hatched out 2 other chicks (boys). So we have 1 female chick & 2 males.

Pretty bad hatch rate this time. I had 0/6 eggs hatch in the incubator, the hen hatched 2/5 eggs and 1 egg was brooded by the hen & hatched in the incubator. So a total of 3 eggs out of the 12 hatched.

Not complaining though, at least I got a few chicks & the pullet I wanted!

The hen got off the nest today with her 3 chicks, and one of the other hens came up & started bothering them so I put the mama and the chicks in the little coop where they can be left in peace. Here are some pics from when they got off the nest:

Thanks for all the help & encouragement everyone! I'm so happy we ended up with some chicks!
I'm glad you were able to save and hatch that egg, and got the pullet you wanted!

The INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! come hatch, learn, Chat, Meet new Friends w/ host, Sally Sunshine thread is open for anyone that wants to hatch and hang with us now that we end out this HAL, we wont do any more HALS until perhaps Halloween, I need a break and I am sure Mike as well.... many of you already are over with us, but for those that are still hatching and want some help or hatch with head on over as well. I am always hatching something, I set below and I think my duck eggs from CHOAS just pulled in!!

I had three trays of eggs fall into the bator today, some are probably too old, procrastinated setting, have four dozen serama to set later tonight too.

Good Luck Sally!

Our May hatch went off smoothly
27/30 but lost the Last two later babies.
Started on day 19 all the colored eggs hatched first
lots of blue.
All lavender orps in hatched out fine.
Sold entire hatch except 1 blue, 1 blonde, & 1 black EE.

Good hatch rate tho.
Have to check onto a June hatch we're ready again.

Congratulations! Good luck with your next hatch!
My aunt just lost most of her flock. She found pieces of chickens in her henhouse. She only has two old hens and two roosters left. Any clue what leaves pieces?

Thought I'd offer to incubate any eggs she can get from the older hens. What's the longest we can save them? 10 days?
My aunt just lost most of her flock. She found pieces of chickens in her henhouse. She only has two old hens and two roosters left. Any clue what leaves pieces?

Thought I'd offer to incubate any eggs she can get from the older hens. What's the longest we can save them? 10 days?
after 10 days the hatch rate suffers drastically, make sure to still turn them and store properly... hang on a sec

Washing, Cuticle, Sweating eggs post #63837
Digital Egg Scale - Accurate Humidity Measurement and Egg Sizing HERE
DOUBLE YOLKERS NOT suggested but they can hatch with assistance post #46649

Abstract DIPPING EGGS IN VITAMIN C post #33828
Pre-Incubation Warming of Chicken Eggs post #65812


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