May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

I definitely want them to be kid safe, but I also actually want them to be loud. hoping if I raise them right Africans wouldn’t be too mean.

Do your buffs do alarm calls?
Let's just say I carry ear plugs in my pocket... The thing is, though, they squawk about everything. 😂

I have one male and three females... not counting eight in the brooder and five in the incubator. I think I'll give those five to the two geese sitting on eggs (which aren't going anywhere soon). Three are developing, but it's early days--earlier than ought to be considering how long they've been at it. So I guess I'll finish them in the incubator if they're still active when their sibs hatch.

I've never had roast goose. 😂 Sure hope I like it!
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Woke up to all 6 of our duck eggs pipped! They are all making progress but I did notice one egg membrane turning a soft yellow. It's been a while since I have hatched... but this egg just pipped overnight, so I am not sure of the coloring and why. I know it is hard to tell in the picture but I'd say it's a nice butter yellow.

Do people mist duck eggs while they are hatching to keep the humidity up? Am I freaking out over nothing?
You're supposed to stop misting the dick eggs when you figure them to be five days off from hatching. Holderread says 55-60% humidity during incubation and higher for hatch. Once they really get going, the humidity will climb quickly.

I don't remember any yellow membranes during duck hatches, but I'm not sure I'd notice. Maybe it's a breed specific thing? If you think it's dry, put on a smear of coconut oil or antibiotic ointment (the kind with no pain relief) to moisten it. If your humidity is too low and your reservoirs are full, add a piece of damp sponge in a little dish. If you have condensation on the lid, your humidity is too high.
I dont even remember what day everything is on. I know my bantam look like they are going to pop early, which seems day 18 they start hatching.

Right now I have a bunch of silkies, leghorns, light brahma, and polish deathlayers growing out. I am not sure how many of them I will be keeping.

I am hoping these quail grow fast so that I can put them out with the others around 2 or 3 weeks.
Mama teaching her babies

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