May 2020 Hatch-A-Long

They dipped down perfectly, just on the opposite side of the egg from where they pipped

Yes, that's a malposition. It's literally called "beak away from air cell" malposition. They normally can't pip in that position.

This is what they look like. They pipped on the opposite side from where the air cell dipped, but they were able to make some pretty big cracks in their shells, would they still be considered malpositioned?

They were shipped, and got caught in the mail system for 6 days due to covid, so really, I was thinking no one was gonna make it. I just really got my hopes up when I had 11 go into lockdown.

I have lost hatching chicks that way too - where they pip on the underside and seem to get stuck and die. I have even caught some early and got them flipped over and they still passed. So more likely the chick or position of the chick than anything you did.
Yes, that's a malposition. It's literally called "beak away from air cell" malposition. They normally can't pip in that position.

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Now I stole that pic 😂

I rarely have any that make it in this position, but keeping an eye on internal pips really helps because you know if you have to assist or not.
That graphic is exactly what the tiel baby I’m trying to save looks like for position.

on a note relevant to the group we had to revamp our brooder twice this week. The first we put in the hanging nipple feeder because the chicks were filling the drinker full of pine pellets faster than I could clean them I would get it all cleaned out put it back and 5 mins later it was full🤦🏼‍♀️ So now their food is raised up on a piece of 2x4 and their water is a hanging bucket with drinker nipples. Then yesterday we had to install a roof because they were jumping on top of the food and escaping out into my sons room😝 I can’t believe how fast they are growing. I’m pretty sure one of my favorite chicks is A cockerel It’s quite a bit bigger than the others. How soon can you tell looking at them? I’m going to need you all for this part for sure. Incubation and hatching I’ve done before but baby dinosaurs that double in size every time they sleep is new to me🤣

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