May 5th, truckers no work day.

Apparently it is!

Interesting thread. I like how the original topic got tainted with an out of place comment. I didn't realize it was OK to do that here.

Incidentally, May 6 is Caucasian American Day. I plan to celebrate by buying a gallon of diesel and setting my SUV on fire with it.
Two things here....

tax cuts boost the economy. in the 80's it was 'Reaganomics' - reduce taxes to spur the economy, which in turn will generate more tax revenue

Keep in mind this is NOT "Free Money" It is NOT a 'gift' from your friendly government. It is YOUR money - it is money that was siphoned off your paycheck in the first place being returned to you.

The bottom line is that this is indeed free money. Its the governments choice to give it back, or keep it and if things were hunky dorey they would keep it.

It is not free money! Gwen is absolutely correct, that money is yours and ours, we paid it to them! Please understand that fact - they aren't giving you anything but your own money back! The government is not your friend!

As for $1200 stimulating anything, that's a joke. It's going right into my bank account to help pay my real estate taxes. One tax to another :thun
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Please.................write your representatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now someone please tell me why the gov. paid $4.2 BILLION dollars to send out a post card telling us we were getting the rebate???????????????? Come on, you can make a difference but you need to contact your policians. WE put them in office.............we can take them out.
I'll make a few contrarian points:

1. Gas is still relatively cheap. I travel to Europe all the time, and it's around $9 a gallon there. And think about what's required to pump, transport, refine and market gas. Milk, for example, is far easier to produce yet more expensive, but we don't complain about it with the same sense of outrage and entitlement.

2. Exxon/Mobile and etc. are making huge profits because they're huge companies. On a return-on-investment basis, they're making much less than many companies. If you think their profits are "obscene", why aren't you buying their stock and getting rich?

3. People won't voluntarily conserve unless it's economically painful to do otherwise. We're notoriously wasteful. How many people do you know who drive SUV's to health clubs so they can walk on treadmills? Without even seeing the irony? There is no more "easy" petroleum in all the world. We'll be drilling deeper and deeper in more and more remote locations from now on. It's past time to stop wasting it.

Bottom line: We're getting a peek at the future, so get used to it. Petroleum's going nowhere but up in the long term.

On the bright side, expensive petroleum is the ONLY way to make people take the environmental damage we're doing seriously.

So... drive an economical car, ride a bike, walk, combine trips, buy less plastic junk from China that you don't need anyway, plant a garden, and keep a few hens.
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It is not "our" money they are giving back to us. Our government does not have any money to send back to us! We are borrowing it from the Chinese! That is a fact that many do not understand! Also do you know who invest heavy in the oil companies? Union pention plans! So all those union workers that are complaining about the gas prices are making money on the backside, not just the rich people.
We use hemp fabric and rope here and I can buy sugar cane at the grocery store in season. Just google "hemp fabric" it's not illegal.
Fabric is imported, it is illegal to grow hemp in the US.

Which needs to change now. Hemp is a renewable resource that has been villified for obvious reasons. Hemp, true hemp, still grows wild in parts of the country.
I had a guy working for me a few years back that was with Barnum & Bailey. One year, traveling by train, they spotted a large patch of wild hemp. The crew thought they had hit a jackpot. They all smoked a bunch and only thing they got was a headache. Marijuana now is a hybrid from hemp that has been bred for the THC content. People can't seem to differentiate between hemp and pot.

Hemp cloth, paper, and even alcohol/methanol, would save a bunch of other natural resources. And it grows fast, and can be replanted year after year.
How about a nobody buy nothing, go no where day. I don't know about you but one specific date comes to mind and seems exceedingly appropriate.....thinking of the #'s 7 & 4......

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