May Day Hatching Thread



8 Years
Apr 30, 2015
Chicagoland DuPage Co
My Coop
My Coop
Anyone else want to join me for May 1st expected hatch day?
How's it going for you?
This is the first time in years that I've started a hatch in an incubator; I have a small number of bantam cochin and eggs in a borrowed Hova-Bator. My days have been filled with furiously running up and down the stairs to turn those tiny eggs since I don't have an automatic turner. I can't wait for the Friday candling check to see how things are going. These were shipped eggs.
I have 8 eggs due on the first of May, and I just bought a doz + extras, eggs on line that are going in today. Below are the eggs I just bought.

The above eggs due the 6th of May.
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Well, I really really felt like crying today. Not usually so tied up and eggs or chicks considering they die at the blink of an eye but I went ahead and took a peek at my eggs and found absolutely nothing. Then my neighbor Terri happened to check in on me and said she'd be over to take a look. She brought her a flashlight that was so bright I'm still seeing dots in front of my eyes hours later. Good news though, we were able to see some good viable starts. So for today I can count chicks. :bow

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