MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

I used a very expensive Camera that has been out of production for about 8 years now.
- The key is to have a camera that can do macros. Still, as you can see, mine focused on the skin of my hand not the egg though. Next time. . . I'll get a better photo.
Im in hen went broody yesterday due on the 13th
my wyandotte is setting on Some Sumatra Hen with a RIR roo eggs Some jersey giant hen with a RIR roos eggs some Wyandotte hen with a RIR roo eggs and Some New Hamspshire Hen with a RIR roos eggs!
Joining in - I have BR eggs in the bator, due Mother's Day (May 9th) and eggs on the way to be set on May 1st (should have been earlier, but found local easter egger eggs and want them too - can we say addict already??)
I'm in with my 2nd hatch (first wasn't very successful).

I am setting 48 eggs. 5 Buff Laced Polish, 2 Bantam mixes, 2 Cuckoo Maran Crosses, 3 Speckled Sussex, 1 White Face Black Spanish/French Black Copper Maran, 1 Welsummer, 1 French Black Copper Maran, 3 Easter Eggers, 11 Olive Eggers, 2 BBS Silkies, 4 Ameracuanas, 4 Black Copper Maran, 2 BBS Cochins, 1 F2 Olive egger and 6 Barnevelders. All shipped eggs from BYC members, yea!

Just call me crazy!!!

I set yesterday with Hatch date of May 14th! Good luck everyone!
YAY! I'm so excited!!!

I just set 8 silkie x cochin eggs today! So they would hatch.. May 15th I believe!
I can't wait!!! How am I supposed to wait 21 days for these fluffy butts? Surely you guys feel my pain! Lol, please help me to wait!

Oh and by the way, it's my 2nd time hatching. I'm using my own eggs from the chickens from my first hatch!
5 white silkie hens and 1 blue splash bantam cochin roo. Well he's not really blue anymore lol.. he's got some brown in him now. I can't wait to see what I get.

Oh! And good luck everyone!
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Count me in. I am calibrating and stabilizing the 'bator now and hope to set Monday late or Tuesday early. Mail order SLW's and Red and Black things could be all in or all out. Eggs due to arrive via Mr. Postman on Monday.

Old Farmer's Almanac says the optimal hatch days for May are the 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th, so figure your set days accordingly if you're into hatching by the moon/star signs (supposedly for hardy chicks and vigor). That would be a Monday or Tuesday setting for this upcoming week....

Good luck everybody!
I wanted to do that, but my eggs couldn't wait over a week for "stronger chicks"
These babies gotta hatch ASAP!!
Well I have alot of hatches going on in may

I have BCM 7th
Cuckoo Marans 10th
silver Pheasants 20th
Crele polish 15th
BCM 19th

Maybe more depends if I win some Auctions in next couple days

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