MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Count me in too! I put 15 eggs in my homemade incubator on April 16th - hatch date = May 6th.

This is my 4th try at figuring out this incubation thing. This time I have upgraded my equipment with a Brinsea Spot Check thermometer and a GQF hygrometer for incubating. Hopefully this will improve my abysmal hatch rate! I also used my own eggs and some eggs from a fellow BYCer (Colby318) that lives near me. I have 3 Faverolles/Cochin, 3 Fav/Marans and 1 Fav/Brahma from my own flock and 8 Olive Eggers from Colby318. I candled this morning (Day 10) and saw movement and/or veining/dark mass in 14 of the 15. I pulled one of the Olive Eggers - it had quit early and had a faint blood ring when I cracked it open. So far, so good! Good Luck everyone!
How's everyone's batches going?

Awesome you saw movement chickonthehill!
Mine are good. It's only day 2 though! lol
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I'm in. Mine are due Cinco de Mayo. I have almost three dozen cuckoo marans, one FBCM, four welsummer x, and about four dozen orpington x eggs in now.

I wish I could get some quality candling pics!
This is how my Tolbunt Polish eggs are doing:


At the top of that little blob of a fetus, I can now see a steady heartbeat!!

We're on day 7.
I'm in

I have a dozen muscovy (well, I think I have two quitters so far) and five bourbon red turkey due to enter lockdown on the fifth, and 6 muscovy going into lockdown on the 18th.

My first batch of Muscovys are jumping like crazy in there! I've candled three times so far and can't believe how much they are moving
One of the candlings was unplanned, for some reason I opened the bator one night and found
a rotten turkey egg! So glad I did! But I took a quick look with the flashlight after wiping up the goo. So amazing to see the little wigglers in there
The turkey eggs are really too dark to see anything much, but I've got two clear
and two dark, hopefully full of baby

Eta: oops, those are my four april turkeys! My five may turkeys all have veining as far as I can tell and are starting to turn dark.
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I in!!
I have 12 BO's, 16 BR's, 5 RIR's, 2 SS's, 15 Buff Brahmas, and 2 silkie chantecler crosses going to hatch may 11-12th.
I hope this batch goes better then my last one where I only got 14 alive chicks out of 51 eggs. and had a long hard week of hatching.
I bought a new themometer and humitity meter so I hope that helps also last batch right at the end the light bulb burnt out.
Can't wait.
I'm in. I have 9 Pekin eggs due May 12th and 15 Blue Orpingtons due May 11th. This will be interesting, since my last attempt for the April hatch went belly up. I am hoping for better luck this time.

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