MAY HATCH-A-LONG come join in

Prepared Lock down this morning with 36 eggs. I have a good feeling about this hatch, and am going to try not to worry as much as I did last time.

Good luck everyone. I love seeing all the pics of the chicks, please keep them coming.

Do you cut the bottoms from the egg cartons to allow cirulation? And do you stack them upright or at an angle? Mine have been lyi8ng down for incubation, but need to stack them for moving on day 20. So, am locking down in egg cartons. Help?
I usually cut the botoms and sides down alittle on my hatching egg cartons, I stand my eggs pointed side down straight up and down.
why are you moving them on Day 20? I usually move mine to the hatcher the night of Day 18.
Well, our first hatch is complete. 100% hatch, but only 4 were fertile of 6. The last one does not look like it was ready, but started and got shrink wrapped pretty bad, last night (I really don't think it is going to make it) there was a humidity drop and we woke up to 55% - the 3rd one to hatch was a little shrink wrapped, but washed it off and it is doing very well! Such wonderful feeling to have helped bring 3 little lives (even if some think they are "just chickens") into the world. The miracle of life! Now once again waiting for a lock down - for a May 20th hatch.

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