May Hatch-a-Long!

Really?  Did I do good?  Or did I get corrected?    Which post..on Barred Rocks?   I remember where I said something somewhere about The dot size, and the leg color combined says something about the sex. 

Oops. I went back and looked, but it was a different Cynthia.... Sorry. But I'm sure your info would have been great.

How is your hatch going!?
ace, day 20 tomorrow..will be looking for pips by the end of the day..Anymore babies peeking out?
Had an early quitter. Took it out tonight. Still the best odds ive gotten so far. Sometimes I start with 24 and end up with only 20 going into lockdown. Or 16 becoming 13. This time I started with 18 and now have 17. Put the egg in a plastic bag and broke it open so I could see what was going on in there and its crazy. Only 10 days in, but its a whole little chicken. Maybe an inch long, eyes tiny wings and feet. Looked like a tiny creepy alien. Its amazing though. 10 days ago that chick was a dot on the side of an egg yolk.
Two WAxBR, one WAxGSL, one WAxEE, and one more WAxEE trying to hatch but having problems getting through the thick thick shell.

Are you going to help it? Or did you? I would if it takes longer than the day. Not sure if you are there, but would watch that little one to make sure it is breathing ok. What a great hatch though!
Two WAxBR, one WAxGSL, one WAxEE, and one more WAxEE trying to hatch but having problems getting through the thick thick shell.

Interesting! Is GSL Golden Sex-Link, or something else? And is WA a reference to Wheaten Ameraucana?
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Are you going to help it? Or did you? I would if it takes longer than the day. Not sure if you are there, but would watch that little one to make sure it is breathing ok. What a great hatch though!
Before I went to work today I took the top of the egg off. It was one solid egg! About 30 min. later, it had already pushed itself out of the egg and was chirping around. That means my broody was 5/5 in lock down, and 5/6 overall due to an early quitter (not her fault)! Not bad for the first time!!!!! Any pips your way yet?
Okay.. 19 Rouens set.. 7 to lockdown :(
Most were infertile! I am not happy about this.
Hopefully these remaining 7 hatch out nice and healthy! Wish me luck!

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