May Hatch-a-Long!

@RockingA There Is a section down at the bottom of the forum called "Buy~Sell~Trade". That's where I'd suggest looking. Other than that I'd guess ppl can make agreements individually.
What breeds are you hatching? My Welsummers are my favorites, though they've refused to live in the coop and instead live in our sheep barn! They nest in one of my show lamb stalls.
They're super laid back and clean up after our messy ewes!! I've got some beautiful ones! These I'm hatching are from my girls out there.
I'm hatching silkies of various colors from one coop.
And then in another coop I have 2 roos: Polish black laced white (or silver?) and silkie blue w/ partridge hackle. It's one or the other of these roos over polish (same color), silkie, flowery hen, 2 buff Orps, black Australorp (mix?), black poss EE line. It's going to be interesting trying to tell who came from who!
To make it even more of a challenge all of the clutches contain eggs from any and ll of the hens and pullets!
Since I'm hatching with broodies and I never know for sure how many will go broody and when I try to give each new broody a cross-selection of the eggs. When I collect eggs 2x/day I mark them: which coop, which nest in that coop (all nests have gotten abbreviations to make it easier) and if I see who laid the egg, I mark that too, or certain of my hens and pullets have very distinctive looking eggs so it's easy to tell those and mark with the name of the girl.
A bit O.C.D.?
So, I have an idea (this is right where ppl normally run screaming).
I love ideas tht mean someone else has to do the job, lol.
I was looking for this My Hatch-along and at first I ended up in the Cinco De Mayo Hatch-along. Someone on that thread gave me this link.

I noticed on one of the 1st pages that the host of the hatch-along had created a couple of charts: one showing the set date for multiple bird s ranging from quail to turkey and emu so that the # of incubation days would end up with a hatch on 5-5.
The other chart showed who was participating and what birds they were hatching.
Since this is a smaller more intimate group for hatch-along I wonder if anyone knows how to create such a chart?
I'd love to see it as a reference for who all is here and what they're hatching and when the expected hatch date is.
Like I said, the idea may be good but I am techno-impaired so I don't know how to make a chart on the computer.
I can try but it would probably be next year by the time I figure it out.
I'd be happy to organize the names and dates info if someone could put it in chart form?
Just let me know if you all like the idea and if anyone knows how to make a chart.
I promise I won't be insulted if no one wants to do it.

I agree that it would be nice to see what others are hatching and when they expect. The charts you are referring to is on the 6th annual cinco de mayo hatch a long in the very beginning of the thread.
I agree that it would be nice to see what others are hatching and when they expect. The charts you are referring to is on the 6th annual cinco de mayo hatch a long in the very beginning of the thread.
Yes, that's the one!
I figure since I started talking about it, I'm going to go back to the start of this year's May Hatch-along, copy (paper and pen method) the user names and if anyone listed breeds and hatch dates. Then I'll see where we are, if anyone wants to try the idea with me, etc. No matter what I still have to start with that info. Here I go...
Yes, that's the one!
I figure since I started talking about it, I'm going to go back to the start of this year's May Hatch-along, copy (paper and pen method) the user names and if anyone listed breeds and hatch dates. Then I'll see where we are, if anyone wants to try the idea with me, etc. No matter what I still have to start with that info. Here I go...

Reach out to @Manningjw and see if he will send you the spreadsheets he's using. Then you can just change the dates as necessary.
Reach out to @Manningjw and see if he will send you the spreadsheets he's using. Then you can just change the dates as necessary.
Thanks! I've been copying names and dates from the beginning of the thread this year. I probably still have more to go. I'm just reading thru from the start.
Sometimes I can't believe myself acting like I have no other stuff to do. Yikes.

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