May Hatch-a-Long!

Don't know if I can join still...I set three Silkie eggs yesterday and I'm setting Pekin and Rouen eggs today! I wish my guineas would start laying
Hopping on over from the April Hatch-a-long.

I thought I was done with chicks for a good while (got 50 from the hatchery in Feb, another 20 from a hatchery and TSC in March, and hatched about 40 from March to April) but now my Partridge bantam rock has decided she has two eggs she wants to hatch so I'll go ahead and let her. I think she started sitting on them about a week ago. I also have guinea eggs under my bantam Brahma and some more under my SP bantam rock but I actually don't know due dates on those. I think the Brahma's are about a week out.

One of the guinea hens is out in the woods in some thick brush where I can't get to her, but if she survives the next 22ish days then she will be bringing home some more guineas as well.

I won't have candling updates on most but I'll post back when some psycho guinea keets start peeping.
Is anyone using a dry hatch method?? Shipped eggs, picked up eggs, or your own??

I dry incubate everything except guineas. I am on the coast though, and I assume it's more humid here than in OK.

ETA I hatched about a hundred or so shipped eggs last year (chicken, turkey, and guinea) but this years have all been my own.
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Hopping on over from the April Hatch-a-long.

I thought I was done with chicks for a good while (got 50 from the hatchery in Feb, another 20 from a hatchery and TSC in March, and hatched about 40 from March to April) but now my Partridge bantam rock has decided she has two eggs she wants to hatch so I'll go ahead and let her. I think she started sitting on them about a week ago. I also have guinea eggs under my bantam Brahma and some more under my SP bantam rock but I actually don't know due dates on those. I think the Brahma's are about a week out.

One of the guinea hens is out in the woods in some thick brush where I can't get to her, but if she survives the next 22ish days then she will be bringing home some more guineas as well.

I won't have candling updates on most but I'll post back when some psycho guinea keets start peeping.
Hi there. I remember you when we hatched-along together a few months ago. I have no sense of time so it could've been feb or nov of last clue, but I do remember you had great advice to share!
Is anyone using a dry hatch method?? Shipped eggs, picked up eggs, or your own??

The eggs I am hatching are shipped (ordered 26, received 28, ended up setting 23).

I am following the dry hatch method. I've added wet sponges to keep the humidity around 35%. It's fluctuated between 25-40%. Lockdown starts tomorrow, so I tried added water to the reservoir to to start raising the humidity. From what I can tell the surface area of the sponges let me get the humidity up faster than the water channels. So I may switch back to sponges tomorrow.
I have (another) strange question. It has been very dry here, no rain for the entire time my new est broodies have been on their eggs.
I know with an incubator the humidity needs to be raised at lockdown.
Our weather report (NE Florida, approx 30 minutes from the ocean) predicts lots of rain tonight from about 10 p.m. thru at least 4-6 a.m. then none again.
Since my broody-hatches will be Wed night/Thursday morning and then Friday midday (give or take of course).
How will the weather affect the hatches? (if at all).

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