May Hatch Thread--Fill up those bators n' broodies!

OK, it is final, out of 42 eggs, 38 went into lockdown, and now 33 have hatched for 78.5%
I am going to be satisfied to just raise breeds I can find within driving distance.
Any guesses what this little beast is?
He looks like a chipmunk, the only one out of the whole batch that looks remotely this way.
Here is a link to the whole batch if you want to kill some time. I took a picture of every one.

Here were the eggs as they went into lockdown:
Yes I can see them moving and veins pulsing! They are very much alive!

I still have 14 good Tolbunts developing in another incubator. Air cells in several of them are saddle shaped and many others very wonky. I am sure I will start losing some of them in the next week to come. Shipped eggs are so hard! My Tolbunts are extremely expensive eggs!

Looks like I may have just won an auction for some sizzles! I know I am a glutten for punishment!
ahh man i feel ya for sure dont worry about the saddles they have a really good shot at hatching i had some wonky ones in the batch i just brought from the states and they never seen a post office i drove acrossed the state east to west to pick them up i packed them like fine china and never put them in the overhead they were in my backpack between my feet no xray by tsa but i think the air pressure in flight affected the air cells a liltle Boyels law of gasses i think but after setting for 24 hrs they came back a little so i think WE will be ok i hope lol
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OK, it is final, out of 42 eggs, 38 went into lockdown, and now 33 have hatched for 78.5%
I am going to be satisfied to just raise breeds I can find within driving distance.
Any guesses what this little beast is?
He looks like a chipmunk, the only one out of the whole batch that looks remotely this way.
Here is a link to the whole batch if you want to kill some time. I took a picture of every one.

Here were the eggs as they went into lockdown:
congrats on the hatch Jim i hope you have the time to share your notes on these great numbers you are on top of the may leader board all by yourself with those numbers for sure and for that lil fluffy ball of fire i don't know what he is but he sure is cute,, good job
Looks like an Easter Egger :)
OK, it is final, out of 42 eggs, 38 went into lockdown, and now 33 have hatched for 78.5%
I am going to be satisfied to just raise breeds I can find within driving distance.
Any guesses what this little beast is?
He looks like a chipmunk, the only one out of the whole batch that looks remotely this way.
Here is a link to the whole batch if you want to kill some time. I took a picture of every one.

Here were the eggs as they went into lockdown:
El Polo Rey,
Thanks for the compliment, but I didn't do much

My methods are far from the proper way probably.
I put the eggs in, with the vents closed, no water, and the turner off.
I have the thermometer in there for the first few days just to make sure the thermostat did not get bumped, then I take it out for the rest of the time, so I am not tempted to start chasing the temperature around.
Day 3 I turn on the turner.
Day 7 or 8 I candle to get rid of the clears, then I open one of the little vent holes.
Day 17 I candle, checking for good movement, take them out of turner, fill all the tray slots with water, and lock it down.
Usually I try to be gone for day 19, and 20, so I am not tempted to open it up and remove chicks

This time I was home, and by the morning of day 20, there were 20 chicks in there batting the other eggs around, so I took them out, put a big sponge soaked with water in, and locked it back down.
Day 21 I took the last 12 out, and candled the remaining 5 eggs, Only one had any sign of life, and it was far behind, so I shut off the incubator.

Now I am trying to get 120 Cortunix quail eggs, so we should have a popcorn hatch soon!
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This has to be the fiesty'est baby chicken I have ever seen. Flapping his little wings, running around the incubator just as steady as any drunk person after a few drinks too many. Hilarious. I let him run a little on the floor while my chihuahua Max curiously watched. Max always treats them really careful, and barely dares to sniff them. This little guy pecked his nose as soon as he was close enough! Poor Max almost peed himself, lol! :lau Here they are, just before Max got his nose pecked: I named the chicken Klaus Mikaelson. All our hatchlings so far has been named after The Vampire Diaries characters. I think Klaus was a good fit for this little fighter!
I love this pic! Just like my cowboy always gotta check out the new babies! My cowboy is a chihuahua and I call him my chicken wrangler. He helps me heard them back in the coops. Chickens ducks geese rabbits he does them all. He is so gentle with them all. He even jumps in the brooder and smells each and every chick to make sure they are all there! I love him so much!
Up to 25 now, so I better go to bed! Sure curious to see what this is going to be, it came out of a blue egg. And this one feather legged beaut. OK, now I promise to quit flooding this thread with pics. Jim
They r beautiful! Who cares what kind they are. Lol. But I will thank the one that came out of the blue egg!
El Polo Rey,
Thanks for the compliment, but I didn't do much

My methods are far from the proper way probably.
I put the eggs in, with the vents closed, no water, and the turner off.
I have the thermometer in there for the first few days just to make sure the thermostat did not get bumped, then I take it out for the rest of the time, so I am not tempted to start chasing the temperature around.
Day 3 I turn on the turner.
Day 7 or 8 I candle to get rid of the clears, then I open one of the little vent holes.
Day 17 I candle, checking for good movement, take them out of turner, fill all the tray slots with water, and lock it down.
Usually I try to be gone for day 19, and 20, so I am not tempted to open it up and remove chicks

This time I was home, and by the morning of day 20, there were 20 chicks in there batting the other eggs around, so I took them out, put a big sponge soaked with water in, and locked it back down.
Day 21 I took the last 12 out, and candled the remaining 5 eggs, Only one had any sign of life, and it was far behind, so I shut off the incubator.

Now I am trying to get 120 Cortunix quail eggs, so we should have a popcorn hatch soon!
still air or forced air bator jim ?

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