MAY "SHARE A LAUGH! " ~Land of the Free Because of the brave HAL w/hosts Mike & Sally

I really need to take a picture of the minion tire statue... someone stacked 3 tires and painted it to look like a minion out beside the road it is so cute and funny at the same time.
Yep as long as my presents come when my husband isn't home, especially if it is a new incubator or another box of eggs
Mornin Sweets!!  I am fine, thank you!  How are you and did we get chicks hatched???????? 

Good! I am doing well, and YES!!! The bantam is out- pip to out took 6 hours or thereabouts. Was just at a pip when I went to bed at midnight and wa out when I jerked awake at 3ish. :eek:

Any ideas on why all my chicks have hatched incredibly fast? I was gearing up to wait a while, but nope.... Hatched while I slept. I knew I should have stayed up. :rant

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