May WYGS Mystery Swap~ Closed

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I got one of my swaps. I got Blueberry Vinegar and Root Beer Syrup. Thank you !!!!
Huntinwidow, thanks so much for the quail eggs! I have just started to get into quail to raise for eggs and meat so what an awesome egg swap!
Only 2 were broken, the rest are safe in the incubator :)
Thank you thank you!
I got my eggs from Learycow!
4 of the 12 were broken, pretty much smushed...
But that still leaves me with 8!!

So now my ?? is... What are they?!?!?!?!
Or do I have to wait for them to hatch to find out??
Renee Baker, your mystery is on the way. I am sick so I didn't write an explanation as to what is what. I sent a large priority box with your ras starts and some other plants that's what I have to explain. Here's link to a auction I won and put in your box to go with the ras starts and being so nice and patient. Really thats all I wanted to explain, hahahaha, oh wait I forgot I dug up some iris and can't remember what color they are. I got some really nice ones but I can't remember. I hate being sick

I should've taken a picture, haha

She bubble wrapped each call duck egg. Then placed inside of a large plastic easter egg! They were wrapped perfect so the egg was snug and wouldn't move inside the plastic egg.
Then the usual wrapping, bubble wrap/ shredded paper/etc to keep those eggs snug and safe in the box.

I thought it was PERFECT as I've found that the only broken/cracked eggs are a result from movement when in the box. So if the egg is snug and safe, then it travels much much better!

Now I just have to find some super/jumbo sized plastic easter eggs so I can do that with my duck eggs.......

Plus, it was FUN FUN FUN to open ;)

Do they still make Leggs pantyhose?
Mandee, I got your package day before yesterday. Yours was mailed off yesterday. I hope it gets there today and in good shape. I love the strawberries I have been wanting some forever! I love the lily too. I am going to plant the the Green Oaxacan in my spiral garden bed. Cukes are awsome. But the best is the mystery seed. I love mystery mixes. Looks like the white beans are Navy. There are 2 watermelons. The black beans may be Cherokee Trail of Tears beans. The peas could be any variety. I think the two light brown beans may be a type of green bean. The little round green one is probably a type of Crowder pea. The two strange shaped seeds are either a gourd or a squash but I am leaning to gourd. I have planted a seed very similar to this before I just can't remember what came up. From the tiny seeds the only thing I recognize is the tomato seed.

I already have the live plants in pots. I can't wait to get the rest started.
I got duck eggs!!!!! YEA!!!! Thank you....great shipping, only one cracked. What kind of ducks???? Inquiring minds want to know!!!! Can't wait, thanks so much!

FruitFulFaith: tracking number 9505 5101 3665 3143 5293 06

Profti: tracking number 9505 5101 3665 3143 5299 93
I normally NEVER send eggs after Wed but I looked and the last package I sent you arrived in 2 days. So you should get them by Saturday. :)
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