Maybe a roo?


In the Brooder
May 5, 2017
It’s an Easter Egger and by far the most outgoing of the flock. I’m thinking she might be a he? Around 3 months old in this photo


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Not an expert, but there's nothing there that says cockerel to me.

Cute bird! My BPR was the same way and had a large comb early - even the spurs females sometimes get. She's now my top hen and my best layer.
I lost all but one hen to a fox so I gave her away and started fresh with mostly Easter Eggers. I like the color variety of the flock
I lost all but one hen to a fox so I gave her away and started fresh with mostly Easter Eggers. I like the color variety of the flock
I am so sorry about your losses! That's awful... :hugs

I am thinking of getting a few more pullets to make my boy to girl ratio a little better. These are on my want list. They seem like all around good chickens, and they are soooooo cute as chicks!
He never got into the coop, just free ranging. I have 5 acres so they’re here primarily for big control.

I got complacent where I hadn’t lost any for a year or so... then in two days I lost 8.

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