Maybe dislocated?


May 10, 2020
Hi there. So, the other day this cute girl either got knocked off the ramp to get into the coop or fell, we don't know for sure, but shortly after she was limping pretty severely. Initially we thought she broke her toe (which is why it's wrapped, it's been removed though). Anyways she can stand and balance but barely puts any weight on that left leg at all. We've got her in a small dog kennel for now because we can't get in to see a vet until Friday (21st). She doesn't seem to be too in pain but that's probably because she mostly lays down or sits down these days. When I was holding her yesterday I could easily manipulate that leg and it was just flopping all over. I barely did it, to see a comparison to other very solid leg. Any thoughts as to what this is? Also, i obviously don't want to have her put down for any reason, i'm just wondering if you all know if she will actually recover? She's eating and drinking and pooping like normal. Seems content.

She seems pretty content but I realize this has to get fixed. She was eating and drinking and hanging out in the grass with her friends. This isn’t the best pic but you can see her leg and how her toes are curled too
No. She actually died and within 5 hours of her dying another chicken died. I assume it’s because they spent the most time together after she was injured when we would bring her out of the kennel to socialize. Probably our fault.

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