Maybe I can have coffee ready & waiting for everyone else....

Hey! I was up at 5 but it didn't occur to me to check if other byc'ers were up!!!! If I'd know I could've had breakfast fixed for me I definitely would have logged in!

Does anyone know if it's ok for horses to eat eggs? I caught Renegade eating an egg that one of the hens layed in his hay! He rolled it around and chomped it on down before I could pluck it from him!

It depresses me that it's still 50 degrees! I want cold weather!!!! I'm still wearing shorts for goodness sake! Someone send snow please!!

I finally ROLLED out of bed at about 9am!!
You can visit my house, we have ice rain right now - its 24 degrees in the chicken coop. We should be getting snow later today - or so the weather man said!
*Yawn* Good morning!

The only morning this week I decide to sleep in, and you all decide to start and Early Risers Club!

(side note to md and pc: Get your mind out of the gutter! Shame on you!)
What a nice bunch of folks to wake up with ---ya'll an give the Folger's log a run for it's money---"the best part of wakin Back Yard Chickens with you cup"!!, haha!

hey, Purple Chicken, everytime I see a post from you I think about the neighbor I have across the street who has dyed her poodle pink!!! No kidding, poor dog, my family probably gave it a terrible complex the first time we saw it and fell on the ground laughing!!!

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