McMurray Rooster???

Looks to me like you've got a hatchery stock Golden(the gold on his shoulder indicates Golden even though he's light like a silver) Phoenix. He has white ear lobes(or it looks like it) and blue slate legs as well.

Here is mine. They look similar but yours has a different tail(probably because you have a hatchery stock one and mine is not. He's just not the best when it comes to the standard because of the mottling/spangling on his chest and his ear lobe is partially white/it's more white now/ he's 6 months now and this was taken at 5 months.) Yours is pretty either way.

However his body shape is different then mine and the previous shown phoenix. It's very possible he is an EE. But the body shape could also be ,again, from the fact he's from a hatchery.
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