Md Susquehanna Poultry Show **updated With A Video Montage!!!**

What did you use?

Well, I first used Johnson's baby shampoo so I could really scrub and not worry about getting it in her eyes. Then I used Tide with bleach alternative and then a specialized dog shampoo for white dogs. Still, a portion of her crest is yellowed. Her crest is large and gets dunked in the water and then dragged in the dirt daily. Maybe I am expecting too much! ha Tracey suggested bluing shampoo for horses. I have some in my tack room, so I will try that today. Any other suggestions!
What did you use?

Well, I first used Johnson's baby shampoo so I could really scrub and not worry about getting it in her eyes. Then I used Tide with bleach alternative and then a specialized dog shampoo for white dogs. Still, a portion of her crest is yellowed. Her crest is large and gets dunked in the water and then dragged in the dirt daily. Maybe I am expecting too much! ha Tracey suggested bluing shampoo for horses. I have some in my tack room, so I will try that today. Any other suggestions!

If that's the case then her feathers might be just yellowed by the sun and/or permanently stained...If the Tide & the whitening shampoo didn't do it, I don't know what will! Whatever else you try, let it soak for at least 5+ minutes. I've also used a toothbrush, brushing with the direction of the feather, to really get at individually stained feathers. But they can get to the point where nothing less than growing a new feather will take all of the stains away. Also keep in mind that it will look a lot more white when it's completely dry than it does when it's still wet! And that she probably looks a lot better than you think she does.
Well, I first used Johnson's baby shampoo so I could really scrub and not worry about getting it in her eyes. Then I used Tide with bleach alternative and then a specialized dog shampoo for white dogs. Still, a portion of her crest is yellowed. Her crest is large and gets dunked in the water and then dragged in the dirt daily. Maybe I am expecting too much! ha Tracey suggested bluing shampoo for horses. I have some in my tack room, so I will try that today. Any other suggestions!

If that's the case then her feathers might be just yellowed by the sun and/or permanently stained...If the Tide & the whitening shampoo didn't do it, I don't know what will! Whatever else you try, let it soak for at least 5+ minutes. I've also used a toothbrush, brushing with the direction of the feather, to really get at individually stained feathers. But they can get to the point where nothing less than growing a new feather will take all of the stains away. Also keep in mind that it will look a lot more white when it's completely dry than it does when it's still wet! And that she probably looks a lot better than you think she does.

And this my fellow BYCer's is exactly why showing will not be happening for me...LOL...Your birds are cleaner than my floors! LOL... kudos to all of you who show and put that much hard work into it
Gilda, Miss Prissy is my black rosecomb hen. On the Delmarva thread, Erin asked me how Miss Prissy did at the show (like place wise). Tracey thought I meant that Miss Prissy, our BYC moderator on here, was at the show!!!
She was very confused, maybe a little blonde moment?
Gilda, Miss Prissy is my black rosecomb hen. On the Delmarva thread, Erin asked me how Miss Prissy did at the show (like place wise). Tracey thought I meant that Miss Prissy, our BYC moderator on here, was at the show!!!
She was very confused, maybe a little blonde moment?

"She was very confused, maybe a little blonde moment?" Who Tracey?
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I finally got the OK to go!!!

I'm so excited!!

Oh, if anyone is interested - I have 2 splash bantam cochins and 1 blue mottled bantam cochin - all from Jamie Matts.
I also have 3 buff silkie cockerels and 1 white silkie cockerel that are FREE!
Hope, I would love to see the mottled

Tracey, I sent you an email asking if you could print something out for me... If you see this, let me know so I can relax

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