Me and my chicken on a walk =)


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
This is my awesome hen, Luna, on a walk around our town! Chicken's recently got legalized in my city, so we went to celebrate!

She's a really sweet hen (and very slow), so we hooked her up with a handmade harness. She's seven years old! I've had her for five years =)

Me and her near our park :)

Why did the chicken cross the road? I don't know but she sure did love to. You can't tell she's on a leash in this pic, but she definitally is! And this is in a VERY low traffic area.

We certaintly got a few strange looks!
Good for you!
Thats soo cute- Your hen looks like she's having a blast! Now, take her to your local pet store, and wait for some really strange looks!
(Watch out for big pet store dogs, though!)

I finally got chicken diapers so I could bring my favorites inside- sadly, my Polish hen, Shanaynay, freaks out and scrambles out of the scary bit of fabric.... So much for that idea...

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