Mealworms For Quails ...ok?

I have a few hens that like picking at an apple once I get done with it they seem to do all right with apples

and oranges, and small ammounts of cabbage, and scrambled eggs, and slices of bread.

Mine are fat and spoiled.

Sweet ~~
110% from me here!

Good quality GBS+Tap water= healthy birds. I'm constantly on the lookout for bugs 30% protein or better, cost less 35 cents a pound, and can't vector bad things to my birds....I'm stuck with GBS and tap water.

Just because your bird/birds go crazy over anything, doesn't mean it's good for them. My dog would go crazy over and eat every piece of chocolate in the house, but she would die. Not the same with meal worms, but something to think about.
We used to have a member that always said that about young quail. I've never feed them. Actually I never feed quail anything other then wet grain.

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