Mean chick

Just an update on my mean girls (one of whom might be a boy, but anyway...). Per Speckledhen, I've been providing Daisy with some "love therapy". We've had no more repeats of the flying-at-my-face business. She's not pleased about being held, but I think she's starting to realize that it's not so bad. When I offered her steel-cut oats in my hand this morning while holding her against my stomach, she actually ate them! She wasn't relaxed enough before to try eating.

Now, she's still a bully to the other girls. She bullies Ruby (my BO) mercilessly, chasing her around and backing her against the wall of the brooder every chance she gets. Is this something I have to accept as normal chicken behavior? I don't like how she terrorizes her roommates.

Amy, you'll just have to let them work out their own pecking order. Sometimes it seems harsh, but it's just what has to be. You really can't change it. As long as there really isn't any blood being drawn, or at least too much, they'll work it out. There will be pinched combs, etc, over the years, but unless they are really hurt, just let them be. You just want to let them know that YOU are in charge of the whole shebang and they can't attack YOU. Sounds like your therapy is working. Just keep it up till you feel she's had an attitude adjustment toward you.
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Thanks Cynthia; I guess there's a painful learning curve with chicken ethology for dog trainers!
I just wanted to make sure, since I had nothing to measure against, that her behavior was okay/not harmful, even if I find it disconcerting.

I bet she's your head hen later on. My RIR Ruby is quite a bully at times. I always say she rules with an iron beak, LOL. Very stern woman, that Ruby. And sometimes I get irritated with her, but they don't really hurt each other, except for grabbing of combs on occasion.
LOL, that's funny! Ruling with an iron beak. I like that.

You're right--now that I think about it, there isn't any bloodshed. Just lots of pushing, shoving and cornering. It seems that everyone acquiesces to her, and I haven't even seen any fighting between the two Dominiques lately. It's mostly just Daisy picking on Ruby. It will be interesting to watch this one play out!


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