mean chicken

That's an interesting idea (the water bottle)... I have 2 Australorps (sp?) that seem to be at the top of the pecking order. They pick on my favorite hen, Kathleen a RIR, who isn't quite full size yet (they are all 21 weeks). I realize there will always be a pecking order, but do they have to chase her EVERYTIME they encounter each other, or HAVE to grab Kathleen's neck and twist as if they want it to pop off?! They are very violent towards her...
1. would a squirt gun help at all (but it wouldn't be consistent.... only when we're out there to visit them)
2. would it help getting rid of or separating them? or would another hen just take over picking on her?
I have a six month old cockerel who started doing the same thing to me. He was always my little buddy while he was growing up this summer, so friendly! I was told to pin him down when he comes at me until he stops struggling and then repeat this as many times as necessary. I just started doing it yesterday and he does seem better. I don't hurt him, I just cover his wings with my hands and make his body squish down to the ground and then just hold him there for a bit, he wiggles a little but calms down in about 15 seconds. I am hopeful that this will work. I would guess it might work for a hen, I don't know, I'm a newbie in the chicken world.
I thought gentle australorps would usually be at the bottom of the pecking order. Are yours black australorps? This is very interesting to me.
I was told by a family friend that if you only have hens, like you do, there will be an Alpha hen who takes the place of the rooster. This will cause her to, obviously, act like the rooster and I'd assume the "rules" would work with a hen as well. I do like the squirt gun idea, I'll have to keep that in mind with my feisty little serama rooster!
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Oh my gosh, I just got some sympathy pains for you. I know I've gotten that "peck and twist" when hand feeding them. So I know that hurts a lot! I know they did not do it maliciously, but I am surprised at the bold behavior of your hen!

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