Mean Hen


7 Years
Mar 6, 2012
I hope I'm posting this in the right spot. I have a mean hen! She is a Rhode Island Red and almost a year old. She started pecking at me and then the kids. Now she is even going after my husband. We are about to get rid of her but I wanted to see if anyone has any ideas on how to tame a chicken. I've tried squirting her with a bottle (only when she's attacking) and ignoring her attacks. Nothing seems to help and my kids are now terrified of her. She's a great layer but I can't deal with pecked children!
I seperate awneryness from the rest of my flock. If this is an only hen I would re-name her Stew and get another bird.{ sorry that sounds cold]

I am going to cull my flock as soon as my pullets start laying, and there are 2 awnery hens already have their name changed.
I agree, get rid of her. Aggression isn't a favorable trait in chickens, and shouldn't be tolerated. You'll enjoy your peaceful yard SO much more afterwards, and I suspect your other chickens will too.
Thanks for the responses. My husband really wants to keep this hen but I do not like her at all!! Our other hens are getting pecked and I'm sure she is the pecker. I thought of separating her but I've heard that it causes stress for hens to be alone. Thanks again!

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