
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Southern CA
My daughter has a few show birds and her modern game rooster has become very aggressive. He attacks everyone all the time. good thing he's a bantam or he'd be doin' major damage. Today I wanted to kick him! (but I didn't) Has anyone had REAL success in turning around a mean rooster? ohhhhh I could just wring his neck!!
Hey, MainChick ~

Whereabouts in so. Cal are you located?

Wringing this rooster's neck just might be the answer to your problem!

Seriously, why keep an aggressive rooster that may hurt your daughter or another child? Is this an impressive bird that your daughter shows? I can understand why it would be hard to get rid of it if she's raised it from a chick for showing, though.
Sometimes these birds will go through a spot of 'teenage' hormones adjustment. Does the rooster have girls and an opportunity to be a good rooster? That may take off a bit of his aggressiveness; on the other hand
, it can sometimes make it worse if he's really protective of his harem.
You may want to take a wait and see attitude; he may become a little more mellow. But from what I've heard others relate, this may be the rooster he's morphed into and it will stay this way or get worse. Bantams especially can be pretty aggressive. (Making up for their size I guess.
You might want to prepare your daughter for this sad turn of events. In any case, caution her to be very careful around him.

Dang roosters....

Roosterred has a thread about rooster control. I do not think you can make him nice again, but you can make him respectful. Sadly, a roosters job is to defend, and he thinks thats what he is doing. I had the very same problem with a sebright cockerel. He may not like one person or be sensitive to a certain color, or think everyone is a threat. What worked for me was taking a narrow stick (like a bamboo plant prop) and whacking him on the neck a few times when he tried to jump or use his spurs. Not to knock his head off, but to immitate a sharp peck from an alpa bird. You must be consistent and persistent. It may take a few times but he will get the message. I hope this is not a typical modern thing. I was planning on getting a pair of bantam moderns!
Good luck!
The bamboo stick is great, especially with bantums. Mine's a fast little sucker and I found it's hard to implement Rooster-Red's suggestions with him because I can't catch him! The stick adds about 5' to my reach. (The stick is affectionately called The Rooster Whacker around here, although I did use it to poke a possum in the butt the other day.)
I've kicked mine in the head many times. It works for a week or two, then he needs a tune-up. Roosters communicate in Roosterese. You have to, too. at first, I thought kicking him was too harsh, but then I realized the alternative was beheading.
Yeah, both my banty and standard roos need to be reminded about once a week as to who is in charge. They've learned that when I have the stick in hand they should just run away, but should the stick not be handy they puff those heads up and try to get their feet up. Boys, boys, boys.
I went through that some time ago with a rooster I dearly loved.
He went from being my little buddy to frighteningly evil almost overnight. I tried all the things that were supposed to work but I think I was too frightened and he knew that. I actually DID resort to kicking mine, and trust me, I have NEVER kicked an animal....this was to protect myself as he was going to hurt me bad. I finally found someone who knew he was mean and was willing to put him out at their house anyway. I kinda figure he ended up dinner. I have often regretted not just eating him ourselves. Sometimes it just is NOT worth the effort. I now have a wonderful roo I wouldn't trade for the world.

Good luck!!!
I like it - my Rooster Whacker is a collapsible metal rake, he's terrified of it. He never runs at me, or my husband, but he gave my sister a hard time this weekend until I told her to hold that rake - he stayed well away from her when she had it in her hand.

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