I had a big White Rock rooster that thought he was an attack dog. My wife was afraid to collect the eggs. The next time he did it to me I kicked a pretty nice field goal with him. Didn't hurt anything except his pride I guess, his manners improved greatly after that. I worked too hard raising them to be intimidated by a feathered bully.
good for you !!........and him hehe

EDIT: ta add,,,, remember,, even a roo on the bottom of the ladder,, tries to go UP every so often,, so you'll have to re-stress your the alpha every once in a while
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Attack Chicken, if you were of my generation you might have seen it. There used to be people who did it for a living in carnival sideshows. They were called Geeks.
I read all this stuff that you guys write & I laugh so hard i could cry. My husband thinks i'm nuts. This roo that I have is a Grey Cross. The first encounter was that when I came in he ran up to me & kinda thumped his chest against my leg. I pick him up * tell him how pretty he is & all and I surely wasn't expecting to get a spur in my leg. He's about 6 mo's old & the coloring is great but bad attitude.I have one of those 6x10 dog kennels top covered with a big dog house in it. I went out tonight & the roo is in the dog house & the 2 girls are on top roosting. Thanks all
with 6 mini dachies
Attack Chicken, if you were of my generation you might have seen it. There used to be people who did it for a living in carnival sideshows. They were called Geeks.

i could get PAID to do that????? mannnn ,, and i thought the pure entertainment of the way the bird will ALWAYS look at you after,, was enough,, hahaha
Okay good news! that evil Pete didn't even come near me today, he didn't even try nothin' with my girl either! HA! I think the problem might actually be SOLVED! Dumb bird aint so dumb after all.

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