mean little cochin!


8 Years
May 6, 2011
I have some chicks that are about 7 weeks old, one of the black cochins is a nasty little brat! It keeps chasing and terrorizing the others and just bit me in the lip. (Lips bleed bad) grrr The other cochin is as sweet as can be. Guess who's for sale?
HA HA HA HA HA...your killing me over here.

Try to issolate him for a few days, then introduce him back to the cage...sometimes all they need is a
A mean COCHIN??? I don't believe it.
I know! Right? I can't believe it either! Sunny is so gentle and sweet and Sam is a devil! I was showing my husband tonight what a snot that bird is. I was holding it in my hand talking to it and the sucker bit my nose! And this one isn't pecking like normal nosey chickens, this one BITES. He or she (it) gives us that glaring nasty eye and WHAP! Do you think it's a rooster?
The Cochins sure are funny to watch when they go jumping around the coop!

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