Meat Birds and small children??

Basically they don't eat any foods that are removed from the plant or kill the plant by being harvested. "Fruits and vegetables that become ripe on the plants or branches of trees or those that fall on their own after becoming ripe, are used for food."

I wonder how they balance out their diet?
Tell Buster I'm proud of him! Once he got settled in I think he enjoyed learning the process a little more. I think he'll look forward to the next trip.
i would say to get a couple of non meat birds for the kids to name and spoil with the meat birds but make sure they area totally different color. thats what my parents did for me when i was younger. the extra bird they got from MM was the one i got to keep. it turned out to be a RIR i think and i was fine with the other chickens being butchered as long as i didnt have to watch the whole process but i was curious as long as they didnt make me watch and i got to choose the time for myself. also dont cut the head off and let the bird run around the first couple of times you butcher. its pretty funny to watch but VERY traumatic for a little kid. oh and dont let them name ANY of the meat birds but let them name the little chick that they picked out to come with them and let them lavish the love on it.
wow u know i had never really thought about the issue i guess my kids are so accustomed to it that they never ereally knew the differance they know we have our pet/eggers and we have some for eating and thats that and they never really knew different i guess i should be glad for that:)
I was 13 when my parents butchered our chickens. They did not tell me that's what was to happen to the extra roosters...and we came home and they had killed ALL but my one favorite rooster. They kept a mean rooster I disliked and my blessed lil cochin rooster, but "lil bit" and "jibba jabba" and many others were butchered. My brother and I were so distraut we put ourselves in our rooms and cried, and refused to eat the meat....the meat was thrown out a year later....

I say keep it from the kids at the butchering part, I know it would have been better for me to know "we had too many boys, so we sold them to a farm" and then "we're having chicken tonight!" i more than likely would have not put two and two together as I never even knew taht's what was to happen to them, my parents kept it from us, but comnig home to a backyard of feathers, blood, and asking where my pets were only to be shown them in the freezer was very very upsetting.

however, i am not a vegetarian, and im raising my own quails for butcher now...soo it was very traumatizing but actually helped me to get used to the idea of butchering after i got over the fact that they killed very friendly chickens I loved.

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