No, but I can picture it!

ok i am a reformed freedom ranger hater. i ate one of those birds tonight. i must say pretty pretty pretty good.

i cooked it in the oven at 300 degrees in a covered baking pan. very moist ,tender and firm.
We are on our 2nd round of meat birds. 200 of them / Cornish x rocks from McMurray in Iowa
Lights on 24/7 - Causes them to eat and gain.
Vitamins and electrolytes in water all of the time till you butcher. I go 10 weeks and have a 6 lb chicken. Go with straight roosters. They gain faster unless you want both then they are processed at different times.
Collodial minerals in water all of the time. Every other day, the waterers get cleaned out with peroxide and they are sitting up on big grated flooring so the bedding does not get wet. Under the flooring is bare dirt with lime put down on it (Chickens can't get to the lime). Both of the products are purchased from McMurray. Minerals smell really good. Birds love the water.
Husband grinds feed and uses soy flour kept in front of them at all times. (I have a container of game bird feed that they can go to also) I give them anything soft from my garden when they get about 3 weeks old. Bedding is 4+ inches deep on a dirt floor and gets stirred deeply daily, sprinkled diamateous earth periodically and light coating of lime once in a while followed by more bedding. Grit offered full time. I have cat toys hanging from a garden stake for them to play with, a couple of long round tubes that they can go through and small roost a couple of inches above the bedding they can get on. Tubes are moved every few days to keep them interested. When they are small, have infrared heat lamps hanging down and I also have sonic mouse/rat deterers that I keep plugged in at all times. They are in the corner of our old machine shed. Used regular gates for the pen, put hardware cloth on those, ran 3 strands of electric fence up high on the fence and cover the outside with shade cloth or anything when it was gusty. This has worked wonderful. No leg problems and the acrtivity seems to help them.

Neighbor down the road got 50 the same time we got ours previously and he didn't give them vitamins after the first 2 weeks. Big difference in size, health and he had all types of health problems. When butchering time came, his had broken legs, torn thin skin and my husband made sure that his were kept seperate from ours when we butchered. I won't try to raise them through the colder months. We will see how these do as their projected process time is 2nd week of November.
I have raised with and without vitamins and it seems to make little difference. If there was that big of a difference between yours and your neighbors there was something else going on.
I have raised with and without vitamins and it seems to make little difference. If there was that big of a difference between yours and your neighbors there was something else going on.
There could have been something going on. We all thought since their skin tore during processing, broken legs and small underweight size with the same batch of chicks it was the minerals and vitamin difference.
week 3 cornish x

the 32 birds are doing well. they are all still alive and gaining ground. all birds are feathering nicely. they are 85% - 90% feathered . wing and body feathers are in . the head and neck feathers are still the yellow down. they all appear plump. some bare spots on them due to growth. they are also jumping and flying around.
the brooder did have some smell but faint. added more pine shavings.

their water intake has not changed still at 3/4 gallon a day. unpasturized apple cider vinegar in water at all times.

food intake i cut back. they were not eating all the food i put in their feeders with in a hours time. also there was less food used from last estimate on week 2. i under estimated the feed left in the bag and did not count the food in ferment bucket.

here is the totals to date :

cost of chicks - $ 48.00

starter feed - $ 5.00

50lb bag of mash - $ 11.00

total cost for feed and chicks - $ 64.00/ 32 = $2.00 per bird

feed cost to date 21 days - $ 16.00 $ 16.00 /32 = $ 0.50 per bird

cost per day in feed per chick - $ 16.00 / 32 = .$0.50 / 21 =.0.0238 i count it as $0.03

misc cost:
pine shaving bedding @ $ 6.00 x 2 .25 = $ 13.50

apple cider vinegar @ $ 7.00 x 1 = $ 7.00

total cost = $ 20.50

total investment to date
chicks $ 48.00
feed $ 16.00
misc $ 20.50

total $ 84.50 / 32 = $ 2.64 per bird
Day One
26 mixed Cornish X and Cornish roasters

averaged weight - 1.125 oz
smallest bird - .8 oz
largest bird - 1.5 oz

cost $1.88 per bird shipped

Feeding fermented feed mix - wheat, popcorn, milo, soybean meal, cracked corn, canadian peas, and pellets

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