meat chicks with egg layers


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
We are getting both together but don't want ot do medicated feed with the meaties. Is that bad to do non-medicated for the egg layers too?
I would separate the two. Because the meat chicks will always be on a different diet. I would keep the layer chicks on medicated for a little bit to make sure they are going to be healthy. As far as meat chicks, those would be on a higher protein diet that the layer chicks will not need.
I had mine together for the first three weeks. They did just fine. But after that I separated them this week because the broilers got too big and started unmedicated feed.
It's all personal preference. Some batches I do medicated (for layers only, though), and some batches I don't.

But, yes, if they're all the same age and you use non-medicated, they'll be fine. The meat birds will be in the freezer in less than 12 weeks anyways, LOL.
I would separate the two. Because the meat chicks will always be on a different diet. I would keep the layer chicks on medicated for a little bit to make sure they are going to be healthy. As far as meat chicks, those would be on a higher protein diet that the layer chicks will not need.
I've always fed my meat birds just regular old non-medicated chick starter, and had a few that dressed out at 7 pounds at only 9 weeks old. If it makes it easier, and they're all the same age, I don't see a problem with raising them together.

Edit: just my opinion.
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