Meat smoking, sausage making and curing.

Have I told you lately how much I love you?
Curious, what kind of smoker do you have? We recently purchased 2 Big Green Eggs and have been smoking a few things here and there... mostly making pulled pork, bacon and roasts. I purchased a meat grinder for my DH for Chirstmas but we have yet to do sausage... we really need to get on that! Your food looks delicious!
WOW!! The stuff you make would cost a fortune in those speciality shops. You've got one lucky family! Ok, I soooo have to get a smoker, this is IT!!

Thanks for sharing! My hubby and I are getting ready to try summer sausage. If you happen to maybe, possibly think of sharing any of your recipies, tips, tricks etc....I think you would have a lot of folk reeeeeeeeeally happy!!!


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